
Why Evangelicals Dislike and Distrust Hillary Clinton So Much
Ed Stetzer explains our gut.

Love Your Neighbor Enough to Speak Truth
Rosaria Butterfield responds to Jen Hatmaker’s recent acceptance of homosexuality and gay marriage.

“Today, I hear Jen’s words—words meant to encourage, not discourage, to build up, not tear down, to defend the marginalized, not broker unearned power—and a thin trickle of sweat creeps down my back. If I were still in the thick of the battle over the indwelling sin of lesbian desire, Jen’s words would have put a millstone around my neck.”

Eight Roadblocks to Spiritual Health
An exposition of John Owen’s list of sins which prevent spiritual thriving.

Eight Reasons Many Bible Belt Churches Are in Trouble
Not just the Bible Belt. Much for all churches to ponder here.

The Cracks Begin at the Bottom
Tim Challies: “Great ruptures in the church often begin with just one member gossiping about another or just two quarreling members who have no desire to pursue reconciliation.”

10 Suggestions for Bi-Vocational Pastors
5 to-do’s, and 5 not-to-do’s in an increasingly common model of ministry.

10 Internet Safety Rules to Teach Children Before They Go Online
Not Christian but wise.

Smartphones and tablets in bedrooms disrupt sleep even when switched off
Explains a lot.

Kindle Books

For your non-Kindle book buying needs please consider using Reformation Heritage Books in the USA and Reformed Book Services in Canada. Good value prices and shipping.

Faith of our Father: Expositions of Genesis 12-25 by Dale Ralph Davis $2.99

The Gagging of God: Christianity Confronts Pluralism by Don Carson $3.99

New Book

Leadership Mosaic: 5 Leadership Principles for Ministry and Everyday Life by Daniel Montgomery.