
I was a Christian woman addicted to porn
Some super-helpful insights in this article.

Me? Teach the Next Generation?
Have you been asked to teach and you don’t know where to start? Start with this article.

Analyzing Annihilationism: Will Those in Hell Cease to Exist?
The conclusion to this critique of annihilationism:

The overwhelming testimony of Scripture is that all who enter hell will experience unending punishment. Hell will have no end or exit. Annihilationists must repent of the false hope which they give. It’s loving to speak the plain truth to the unredeemed, especially in matters concerning eternal punishment.

The Cost of Leadership
“Although the biblical qualifications [for elder and deacon] are quite straightforward, there are two ways that many churches have abandoned what God has said about biblical order and leadership and have inserted worldly qualifications into the equation.”

Seven Prayers for Christian Dating
“If we refuse to pray in dating, we refuse to receive the precious resources we need most in dating. Too many of us struggle in dating — to discern our hearts, to communicate with one another, to balance priorities and responsibilities, to reject sexual temptation — without ever asking God for his wisdom, strength, and help.”

7 Rules for Keeping Pastoral Sanity
See especially #3:

Don’t chase people. This refers to number two. Certainly, we should pursue reconciliation. We should own mistakes if we’ve made them. But we can’t focus our ministry on chasing people who have left. The truth is, even if we were able to sit down and address the concerns in detail, many of the concerns of those who leave are beyond our ability to remedy.

Finding My ‘True Self’ As a Same-Sex Attracted Woman
Here’s a moving testimony with many insights into how to minister in a balanced way to those who experience same-sex attraction.

In my young-adult struggle with sexual identity, both legalistic condemnation and progressive license left me floundering.

Social Media Isn’t Your Teens’ Biggest Problem
“Yes, we must pay attention to social media. Yes, it’s wise to limit and monitor phone use. But doing so won’t fix our teens’ hearts. The only solution to a heart bent toward sin is repentance and trust in the gospel. In a selfie world, let’s help our teens understand their true identity is found only in Jesus.”

9 Things You Should Know About North Korea
I’m still hoping and praying that I will live to see the peaceful liberation of this country.

Kindle Books

Discipling: How to Help Others Follow Jesus by Mark Dever $3.99.

Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy by Eric Metaxes $1.99.

We Cannot Be Silent: Speaking Truth to a Culture Redefining Sex, Marriage, and the Very Meaning of Right and Wrong by Al Mohler $2.99.

New Book

Here’s a video introduction to Mark Jones’s new book God Is: A Devotional Guide to the Attributes of God.