
5 More Reasons Bible Teachers Should Learn Greek & Hebrew | Mark Ward, LogosTalk
Some unusual reasons for learning the original languages.

Six Simple Things First-Time Church Guests Like | Thom S. Rainer, LifeWay Pastors
“I wonder what it would be like if all of our first-time guests found our churches joyous, courteous, informative, and friendly. Think about how God might bless them and us. It’s really not that difficult. These first-time guests are only asking for basic courtesies and considerations.”

How Far Is Too Far? On Boundaries in Christian Dating | Marshall Segal, Desiring God
“Many couples get boundaries wrong because we’re asking the wrong questions.”

Are Your Relational Problems Inherited? | Josh Squires, Desiring God
Essential eading for anyone involved in pastoring/counseling:

…when people come from unhealthy homes, they can come with foundational issues. Ones which can cause problems throughout life if they are not dealt with in a healthy manner. Fortunately, we have the balm of the gospel which can overcome any earthly deficit.

What Your Kids Really Need is Your Authentic Christian Life | Melissa Edgington, Your Mom Has a Blog
I loved this. What a stress-reliever for moms who are not supermoms.

No matter where or how formally I try teach my kids how to be Christians, no words I say will ever be as important as they way they see me living on a day to day basis. A carefully crafted lesson about forgiveness means nothing if I hold a grudge against a family member or friend. A lecture about the importance of obeying God’s word is useless if they see me ignoring His commands.

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