
Fishers of Men
“Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” My experience has shown me that the words are familiar to the church, but the actual work perhaps not so much. How might we better understand the words so the work can be more accessible to us?”

In a Distracted World, Solitude Is a Competitive Advantage
“There is no silver bullet to solving the complex problems ushered in by the information age. But there are some good places to start, and one of them is counterintuitive: solitude. Having the discipline to step back from the noise of the world is essential to staying focused.”

3 Ways Pastors and Church Leaders Undermine Themselves on Social Media
“Pastors and church leaders need to be in social media spaces. Here are three basic ways I see pastors and church leaders undermine themselves on social media, and some ideas about how to avoid these missteps:”

Violence against women—it’s a men’s issue
You don’t have to agree with all of Jackson Katz’s views on gender and equality issues to be helpfully challenged by this passionate speech. And, young women, if you want to avoid becoming a victim of an abusive husband, learn the signs to watch out for in Unmasking the Abuser. In fact, pastors and elders would do well to watch this too if they want to understand the dynamics of domestic abuse. If this these videos aren’t helpful examples of common grace wisdom, I don’t know what is.

Kindle Books

Darwin’s Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the Case for Intelligent Design by Stephen Meyer $1.99.

What’s Best Next: How the Gospel Transforms the Way You Get Things Done by Matt Perman $2.99.

Marriage Matters: Extraordinary Change through Ordinary Moments by Winston Smith $2.39


Why should ordinary Christians read Bible commentaries?
Bill’s commentary on 1 & 2 Peter is available at Reformation Heritage Books.