Daniel 7-4

Spiritual power is not through political power. Political power will never give us spiritual power. Therefore, what happens if we put our hope in political power more than spiritual power? We will end up disappointed or we’ll end up deceived.

I’ve been in the ‘disappointed’ camp quite a few times in my life. Both in the UK and in the US, I’ve put my trust in a political party or political leader as my hope for transforming our society and nation. But it never turns out as promised. It’s always disappointing.

I’ve also known people end up in the deceived camp. Despite multiple failed predictions of political salvation, they continue to believe that this time it’s different. They are deceived so much they think everyone else is deceived.

Either way, whether it’s disappointment or deception, we lose spiritual power by trusting in political power. So, how can we view political power so we increase spiritual power? In Daniel 7, God gives us two lenses which helps us find spiritual power.

Sermon Notes on Daniel 7.