John 3v1-8-5

Which is the odd one out? “I must call my Mom” “I must get to that office meeting.” I must lose weight.” “I must get my finances organized.” “I must get into that college.” “I must be born again.” I must win that game.”

It’s “Why must I be born again?” isn’t it. Why is it the odd one out? Because the vast majority do not see it as a ‘Must.’ All the other ‘Musts’ are common and are heard thousands of times every day. But, “I must be born again” is a rare must; indeed it’s almost extinct. This, despite it being the most important and urgent of all Musts.

Why is this the most important and urgent of all the ‘Musts’? “Why must I be born again?” That’s the question Jesus answers in John 3:1-8.

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