What your Facebook Updates say about You, Your Faith, and Your Mental Health
“Not only could researchers predict a participant’s gender based on Facebook updates with 92 percent accuracy, they also could measure emotional stability and neuroticism.”

5 Things to Do Before You Leave Your Church
Thabiti gives advice on how to close the door gently. And once you’ve left, here are 7 Things to Look for in a Church.

10 Surprising Social Media Statistics
Some of these really are staggering.

How Monk Mode is the Key to Insane Productivity
The most productive people structure solitude into their working lives.

35 Lessons from 35 Years as a Pastor
Tom Ascol: “As I recently reflected on the last thirty-five years I wrote down some lessons learned and convictions I’ve come to or continued to hold. Here are thirty-five of them.”

The Godward Struggle of Ordinary Parenting
Been there. Am still there.

  • http://www.se7en.org.za se7en

    Ten Surprising Social Media Statistics – What a fantastic Article!!! Fascinating and packed with little gems and surprises!!!

  • Nabeel

    Great article, Discover what your Facebook updates reveal about you, from gender to emotional stability. Explore insights on mental health and faith through social media behaviors. As a freelance digital marketer in Malappuram , understand the impact of online presence with me.