
Final Installment: Songs from The New City Catechism
“It’s taken nearly two years, but Songs from The New City Catechism is now complete. All 52 questions and answers from The New City Catechism have been set to music word-for-word.”

Can Someone Be Spiritually Healthy and Still Experience Mental Health Challenges?
“My prayer for this article would be that it: (a) encourages sincere Christians who feel undue guilt for persistent mental health struggles that their personal devotion does not remedy, (b) equips pastors to think more robustly about how their preaching and teaching influences church members with mental health challenges, and (c) increases the quality of one another care that exists in small groups and other settings by improving the understanding of the intersection of mental health and spiritual maturity.”

Eight Ways Church Members Can Help Pastors Avoid Burnout
The eight tips are:

  1. Let the pastor know he should not be 24/7
  2. Be an encourager
  3. Insist the pastor takes some time off
  4. Respond to critics for your pastor
  5. Become a prayer intercessor for your pastor
  6. Help protect the pastor’s family
  7. Find ways to help the pastor’s family have fun times together
  8. Pay your pastor reasonably

Some PhD FAQs
Kevin DeYoung continues his series on the pros and cons of a PhD.

Pride and the Preacher
“One of the greatest problems for preachers is pride.  It is an insidious and relentless foe that will look to creep in at every stage of a life spent in ministry.  What might we be proud about?”

The Sacred Trust of Pastors and Christian Leaders
“Ministry is not just a task. It is a sacred trust between the under-shepherd and the flock that has been entrusted to him by God. To misuse and violate that trust to achieve sexual conquest, or even emotional dependence, is a particularly deplorable behavior.”

New Book

The Man of God: His Calling and Godly Life: Volume 1 of Pastoral Theology  by Albert N Martin. I cannot commend this highly enough. I heard Pastor Martin’s pastoral theology lectures on tape over twenty years ago and have longed for the day to see them in print.

Kindle Books

Mindscape: What to Think About Instead of Worrying by Timothy Z. Witmer $2.39.

Unashamed: Healing Our Brokenness and Finding Freedom from Shame by Heather Davis Nelson $2.99.

Kingdom Calling: Vocational Stewardship for the Common Good by Amy L. Sherman $4.99.