
What the ‘Quarter-Life Crisis’ Says About Young Adults in Your Church
“The networking website LinkedIn found that 75 percent of 25- to 33-year-olds report having a quarter-life crisis. I’m one of them.”

Still Saints
Great to see Desiring God tackling this weighty subject, and none better to do so than the wisest and most compassionate counselor I’ve ever met, Dr. Eric Johnson.

“About one in ten people suffers from a personality disorder, a deeply ingrained, long-standing dysfunction that forms part of the structure of someone’s personality. Although people with personality disorders often struggle to find long-term healing, the gospel of Jesus Christ, communicated by skilled counselors and patient friends, provides unique therapeutic resources that can, over time, bind up the most broken personalities.”

How Total Depravity Changed My Life
“Only through total depravity do the beauties of unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible grace, and perseverance of the saints come into their full glory. Only through understanding how indebted we are in Adam do we ever even begin to perceive how deeply loved we are in Christ.”

Caring for a Friend with a History of Promiscuity and/or Abortion
Brad Hambrick tackles the question: “What does the process of redemption and restoration look like for a person scarred by a past that includes multiple sex partners and abortions?”

Diverse Theologians to Read in 2019
Thabiti provides “a short list of theologians and leaders from differing ethnic backgrounds for those who may be interested to diversify their reading lists.”

10 Exciting Discoveries in Biblical Archaeology in 2018
“This past year brought numerous discoveries that supported biblical accounts and provided context for other scriptural knowledge. Here are 10 of the top discoveries from 2018.”

Prison Was My First Pulpit……
This is quite the story. “Linda Barkman was incarcerated after the man she lived with murdered her toddler. But she turned hardship into ministry.”

How protected is your teen from finding pornography online?
“Take this quiz to see how protected your teen is. While not every question may provide an answer that fits you exactly, choose the one closest to your reality.  ”

Why Pray for the Media?
“Why pray for the media? The answer is simple. Because God answers prayers offered up for the media. Consider that in 2018 two of the heralded heroes of Sports Illustrated, Time, ESPN and other major media outlets were Rachael Denhollander and Tyler Trent. Both are Christians who have suffered immensely, and have persevered and/or continue to persevere. In various ways, they were heard in 2018 and still are being heard because of their faith.”

Kindle Books

31 Days toward Trusting God  by Jerry Bridges $2.99.

Union with Christ: The Way to Know and Enjoy God by Rankin Wilbourne $0.79.

The Imperfect Disciple: Grace for People Who Can’t Get Their Act Together by Jared C. Wilson $0.79.