“Full and free! Fullness and freedom!” Two great longings of the human spirit. We want to be full and we want to be free. We want to be full of goodness and free from evil. We want to be satisfied and we want to be safe.

That’s what Christianity offers the human spirit–fullness and freedom. That’s what Colossians is all about. It offers fullness and freedom. Full of Christ and free in Christ. That’s what the Apostle wanted for the Colossian Christians, and, indeed, all Christians (Colossians 2:9-10).

That’s why the devil and his helpers do everything they can to undermine the Christian’s fullness and freedom. They employ three main tactics to empty believers of fullness in Christ and deprive believers of freedom in Christ.

  • The chains of legalism (lawyers)
  • The chains of mysticism (mystics)
  • The chains of asceticism (monks)

Let’s see how God saves us from the lawyers, the mystics, and the monks, and therefore protects and preserves our fullness and freedom. He did that for the Colossians, and he can also do it for us. We can live full and free in Christ.

For more, see my sermon notes.  Index to other sermon notes here.

Freedom Graphic