COVID-19 has infected churches as well as people. Arguments over masks and vaxes have turned many friends into enemies, and divided more churches than any worship wars ever have.

By the time it’s finished, COVID may well kill more churches than people. If it does, then the spiritual death toll will be far greater than the most horrifying CDC statistics.

Although COVID-19 is a deadly disease that we must take seriously, there’s no question that powerful people are using COVID-19 to undermine our hard-won national liberty. But the devil is also using COVID-19 to undermine our hard-won church unity. What have we gained if we win national liberty but lose church unity?

So, while we must fight for our national liberty, we must also fight for church unity. Before we get involved in another mask or vax fight, let’s ask ourselves, How hard should I fight for unity? Then remember Paul’s answer in Philippians 1:27-20.

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