Add Exhortation to Exposition

While celebrating the growth in expository preaching over the past fifty years or so, there’s often still a missing piece in many sermons–what I call, “passionate persuasion.”

Robert Strivens addresses this in the June 2017 edition of the Banner of Truth’s Magazine. In an article entitled Preachers and Preaching: Calvin on the Pastoral Epistles, he draws nine lessons about preaching from Calvin’s commentary on these letters. After the ninth bullet point, I’ve extracted a paragraph which directly addresses the problem of passionless preaching.

  1. Your life must match your teaching.
  2. A minister must teach.
  3. In order to teach, we must study – and our study must be of the word of God.
  4. We must immerse ourselves in the study of all of God’s word.
  5. We must ensure that our doctrine is truly founded in the word of God alone.
  6. We must use whatever help we can find, to enable us to understand God’s word.
  7. Study is not an end in itself. Some men love study, which is fine, but we are never to forget that it is but a means to an end.
  8. We have to work at communicating these truths to others.
  9. We must exhort, as well as teach.

Those preachers today who believe they have fulfilled their duty when they have adequately explained the text would not have met with Calvin’s approval. Calvin reminds us that the pastor is a shepherd and “A shepherd… must not simply put forward the teaching, to say, ‘This is the meaning,’ but must exhort as well.”

So we are certainly to give the meaning of the biblical text: that is essential. But it is not enough. We must also “add to it a vehemency, so that the teaching may touch their hearts to the quick, and not only know what is good, but be moved to follow it.”

Preaching is not just a question of informing the mind: it is also a matter of moving the heart. Motivation, as well as information, is the goal. So the preacher is not to think “that he has done his duty, and is quit when he has given forth good teaching… Exhortations must be added to it, to quicken the doctrine.” Vehemency – exhortations – motivation. For Calvin, these are essential elements in preaching. “Let us be content to be stirred up, that our fire be kindled, so that we may burn with the zeal of God.” A clear but cold exposition of a biblical text is, for Calvin, not preaching. We must burn.

That’s the key, isn’t it? If we burn, so will our sermons.

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Our research found that as many as 36 percent of women who had an abortion were attending church at least once a month at the time of their abortion. A 2014 study conducted by the pro-choice Guttmacher Institute found that 56 percent of women who obtained abortions said they were Christians. Clearly abortion is the church’s sin, not just the world’s.

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Kindle Books

Being There: How to Love Those Who Are Hurting by Dave Furman $3.99.

What Grieving People Wish You Knew about What Really Helps(and What Really Hurts) by Nancy Guthrie $3.99.

The Parables of Jesus by James Montgomery Boice $0.79.


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Kindle Books

CrossTalk: Where Life & Scripture Meet by Mike Emlet $1.99.

Spiritual Warfare: A Biblical and Balanced Perspective by Brian Borgman $3.76.

The Works of William Perkins (Vol. 1) $2.99.

Understanding the Faith: A Survey of Christian Apologetics by Jeff Myers $1.99.


Farmer Banned from Market for Opposing Gay Marriage

Lifeline Mini-Books

Lifeline Mini-Books from Shepherd Press offer brief but rich biblically-based help on a variety of counseling issues. This post features some notable selections from the series.

Help! I Can’t Handle All These Trials by Joel James

Help! I’m a Single Mom by Carol Trahan

Help! I Want to Model Submission in Marriage by Glenda Hotton

Help! I Can’t Forgive by Jim Newcomer

Help! I’m Confused About Dating by Joel James

Help! I’m So Lonely by Deborah Howard

Help! I’ve Been Traumatized by Combat by Barrett Craig

Help! My Kids Are Viewing Pornography by Tim Challies

Help! I Feel Ashamed by Sue Nicewander

Help! I’m Drowning In Debt by John Temple

Help! She’s Struggling With Pornography by Rachel Coyle

Help! My Teen is Rebellious by Dave Coats and Judi Coats

Help! I’m Living With Terminal Illness by Reggie Weems

An Outstanding Graduation Gift

If you’re looking for an outstanding graduation gift that will prepare students not just for life in this world but for the world to come, you could do no better than giving this trilogy of books from Jeff Myers. Two of them are also on offer for the Kindle at the moment for only $1.99 each! Here are some other favorite books for graduates.

Understanding the Times: A Survey of Competing Worldviews by Dr. Jeff Myers and David A. Noebel

Your view of God determines your view of the world.  Understanding the Times offers a fascinating, comprehensive look at the how the tenets of the Christian worldview compares with the five major competing worldviews of our day: Islam, Secular Humanism, Marxism, New Age, and Postmodernism.

Understanding the Faith: A Survey of Christian Apologetics by Jeff Myers

The understanding of absolute, objective truth has been largely lost. Spend just a few minutes discussing politics or religion and you’ll hear responses like, “There is no truth!” or “That may be true for you, but not for me.” Understanding the Faith dares to wade into the middle of the controversy with chapters such as: Is God Christian? Isn’t Claiming Truth Intolerant? Is the Bible Anti-Science?

Understanding the Culture: A Survey of Social Engagement by Jeff Myers

Addressing issues such as gender identity, abortion, technology, and poverty, Dr. Myers challenges readers to ask: How can an authentic Christian worldview provide a compassionate, effective witness in culture today?