Re-ignite Bible Reading That’s Become Boring

We’ve all been there. Reading the Bible can become boring. Our eyes are on the page but our minds are everywhere else; because everywhere else is just so much more interesting. That black book without pictures just isn’t quite so exciting as the black device that can show us anything in the world in just a click.  We may pick up our Bibles, open the pages, and scan the lines, but our hearts just aren’t in it. We force ourselves to read our chapter(s) or fill up our allotted time, but we really can’t wait to finish and get on to much more fascinating and enjoyable things.

It’s not good, is it? You know, it’s bad, but you don’t know what to do. Well, here are some ideas to help you re-ignite your Bible reading. If you have any strategies that have helped you, leave them in the comments box to help others too, will you?

1. Routine. If our Bible reading is not fixed for a particular time each day, and we’re just hoping a time slot appears, we’ll end up squeezing it into too small a space. Best to pick a time and get into a habit of reading each day at that time. If you are already in a good habit of reading at the same time each day, and your reading has become boring, the worst thing you can do is give up your routine and only “read as the Spirit moves.” You’ll hardly read at all then. Pick a time, and stick at it.

2. Sleep. No, not during your reading, but before it. Many times boredom sets in because we’re shattered with exhaustion and we just don’t have the energy to read in an interactive and profitable way. Get yourself a good 7-8 hours sleep each night and you’ll find that a much brighter mind will produce much brighter reading.

3. Ban the cellphone. If you check your phone before you check your Bible, the Bible is going to lose. The Internet and Social Media is crack cocaine for the brain. The Bible requires careful cutting, chewing, and digesting. The former is quick thrills; the latter is a slow roast. Check your Bible first and it won’t feel such a let down to your brain. And put your phone away as you read; even if it’s not pinging and buzzing, the brain sees it and is expecting it, causing further distraction.

4. Read a different version. Sometimes we’ve got too familiar with the words we’ve read many, many times. Why not read a different version alongside your favorite one, to jog your mind out of its normal ruts and make you see words and sentences in a fresh light.

5. Read more slowly (or quickly). If you are reading a chapter a day, slow down to just a few verses a day to make you think and meditate more (10 tips on meditation here). Or speed up for a time, reading more chapters more quickly in order to get a better overview of a book. Just change it up a bit. If you are in a difficult part of the Old Testament, add a few verses from the New each day.

6. Read a devotional first. Sometimes our hearts need to be warmed up. I usually sing or read part of a Psalm before reading my chapters in the Old and New Testament. You could read a daily devotional or sing a spiritual song to light up that cold heart.

7. Use a study Bible. I don’t advocate this as something to use all the time, because it’s important that we learn to think for ourselves when we read the Bible and not just have others think for us. Also, people can spend more time reading the notes than the Bible itself. But, now and again, for a few weeks at a time, you could use a study Bible or brief commentary to help you get excited about the Bible again.

8. Accountability. Ask your wife, husband, friend, to ask you about your Bible reading each day. If we know someone is going to ask us what we read and what we learned from our Bibles that day, that usually sharpens our concentration and therefore increases edification.

9. Need. If we don’t need something, we don’t value it. If I don’t see my need of the Bible, I won’t value it. I’ve always noticed that my periods of dull Bible reading usually coincide with dullness of soul. When I don’t see my sin, when I think I’m doing quite well really, then I don’t see the Bible as so essential to my life and well-being. But when I’m convicted of my sin and weakness, I then see the Bible as more necessary than my daily food and drink.

10. Remember who is speaking. Our listening depends on who is talking and what he or she is talking about. Before you start, remind yourself of who is speaking – God – and what He is speaking about – your eternal salvation.

11. Pray. Confess to God that you find reading the Bible boring. Ask him to show you if it’s because you are unconverted, and you need to be born again to get the spiritual sight and tastebuds to make you savor and relish His Word. Pray that He would open your eyes to see the beauty and wisdom of His Word. If you are a Christian, confess your coldness and deadness of heart, and ask for the Holy Spirit to enliven and inspire you again. Ask Him to show you if there is any sin that is keeping back His blessing.

12. Serve. If we’re only eating and not exercising, we’ll soon lose our appetite. But if we are serving God, seeking opportunities to bless His church, or witness to others, we exercise our souls, get hungry, see our need of strengthening and guidance, and we devour God’s Word more greedily.

What other ways have you found to re-ignite your Bible reading during seasons of dryness and deadness?

Check out


A Church Planting Testimony | Barry York, Gentle Reformation

Why You Need To Preach the Song of Songs | Jim Hamilton
“The Song of Songs has to be read in the context of the story of the whole Bible.”

Seven Tips for College Students | John Piper, Desiring God
As semesters wind-up the pressure, some good reminders for our young.

How to Choose a Seminary | Nathan Busenitz, The Cripplegate

The Hardest Part of Writing | Aaron Armstrong, Blogging Theologically
Besides the actual writing, of course.

2015 Advanced Expository Preaching Workshop: Preaching Christ from the Old Testament | BibleX
Coming up on October 5th.

Tips on Reading Better While Retaining More | Trevin Wax, The Gospel Coalition

Eve | Tim Challies
Tim’s review of the new book Eve from William Paul Young (writer of the wildly popular The Shack from a few years back).

Free eBook: Are We Together? by R. C. Sproul | Ligonier
Roman Catholicism examined. This timely resource is being made available in light of Pope Francis’ visit to the United States.

Free eBook: The Joy Project
Tony Reinke with a Christian alternative to The Happiness Project.

Kindle Deals

What Did Jesus Really Mean When He Said Follow Me? by David Platt ($1.89)

Not a Chance: God, Science, and the Revolt against Reason by R. C. Sproul ($2.99)

How People Change by Timothy S. Lane ($2.99)

His Mission: Jesus in the Gospel of Luke (The Gospel Coalition) by D. A. Carson ($2.99)

New Book

Tangle: The Quest for Truth, Book 4 by Brock Eastman ($4.99) The latest in his series for kids.


3801 Lancaster: American Tragedy (Documentary Trailer)

20 Cognitive Biases That Affect Your Exegesis

Business Insider recently published an Infographic entitled 20 Cognitive Biases that Affect Your Decision-Making.

Cognitive Biases

If Infographics do nothing for you, I’ve summarized the information below. Have a look through and ask yourself: How many of these biases can also affect our exegetical decision-making. There were only two I found that I couldn’t match with exegetical biases (#13 & 19). But maybe you can suggest ways in which these might apply as well.

1. Anchoring bias. People are over-reliant on the first piece of information they hear.

2. Availability heuristic. People overestimate the importance of information that is available to them.

3. Bandwagon effect. The probability of one person adopting a belief increases based on the number of people who hold that belief.

4. Blind-spot bias. Failing to recognize your own cognitive biases is a bias in itself.

5. Choice-supportive bias. When you choose something, you tend to feel positive about it, even if that choice has flaws.

6. Clustering illusion. This is the tendency to see patterns in random events.

7. Confirmation bias. We tend to listen only to information that confirms our preconceptions.

8. Conservatism bias. When people favor prior evidence over new evidence or information that has emerged.

9. Information bias. The tendency to seek information when it does not affect action.

10. Ostrich effect. The decision to ignore dangerous or negative information by “burying” one’s head in the sand, like an ostrich.

11. Outcome bias. Judging a decision based on the outcome—rather than how exactly the decision was made in the moment.

12. Overconfidence. Some of us are too confident about our abilities, and this causes us to take greater risks in our daily lives.

13. Placebo effect. When simply believing that something will have a certain effect on you causes it to have that effect.

14. Pro-innovation bias. When a proponent of an innovation tends to overvalue its usefulness and undervalue its limitations.

15. Recency. The tendency to weigh the latest information more heavily than older data.

16. Salience. Our tendency to focus on the most easily recognizable features of a person or concept.

17. Selective perception. Allowing our expectations to influence how we perceive the world.

18. Stereotyping. Expecting a group or person to have certain qualities without having real information about the person.

19. Survivorship bias. An error that comes from focusing only on surviving examples, causing us to misjudge a situation.

20. Zero-risk bias. Sociologists have found that we love certainty—even if it’s counterproductive.

Check out


Theology and the Gospel Ministry | Michael D. Roberts, Place for Truth
Thoughts on the disappearance of the “Pastor-Scholar.”

Exodus and You | Peter Dietsch, Providence Presbyterian Church
Why the Old Testament is important on this side of the New Testament.

Private Sin, Public Fallout | Clint Archer, The Cripplegate
As part of the Body of Christ, your sin always affects the Body.

Entrepreneurship: An Opportunity for Personal, Individual Flourishing | Tim Hoerr, Institute for Faith, Work & Economics
Tim gives us 3 reasons the entrepreneurial environment is rich for personal growth.

What Does Depression Look Like For Entrepreneurs | Seth Getz
My hyper-energetic, super-enthusiastic friend, Seth Getz, confronts the reality of being depressed.

Five Questions on Reading and Leadership | Eric Geiger

7 Ways To Lead Like a Navy Seal | Alice Vitiello, Task and Purpose

Kindle Deals

The End of Christianity by William Dembski ($0.99)

You Have a Brain: A Teen’s Guide to T.H.I.N.K. B.I.G. by Ben Carson ($1.99)

The Last Founding Father: James Monroe and a Nation’s Call to Greatness by Harlow Giles Unger ($1.99)

The Miracle of Dunkirk by Walter Lord ($2.51)


Amazing Grace Flashmob

Go Deep To Move Forwards

Screen Shot 2015-09-20 at 9.53.19 PM

Look at the volume of water in this reservoir and try to feel the pressure of it on the dam wall.

Now look down at the bottom of the wall and you’ll see a small sluice gate has been opened, releasing a tremendous jet of water.

Can you imagine the force in that rush of water through such a small space?

That’s the image I have in mind when I hear Paul’s say, “The love of Christ constrains us.” The word for “constrain” means “compression through narrowing.”

As Paul plumbs the length, breadth, depth, and height of Christ’s immeasurable love for him, it’s as if an unstoppable pressure builds upon his little life, compressing his soul, and propelling him forwards in passionate and powerful Gospel ministry.

If we would spend more time exploring the deeps of Christ’s love, we too would be jetted forwards in zealous and courageous service.

Check out


20 Reasons to Engage in Private Prayer | Borrowed Light: Mike Leake
Puritan Thomas Brooks with twenty reasons to engage in private prayer.

A Tribute to R C Sproul | Feeding on Christ: Nick Batzig
“When I was a young boy, I distinctly remember sitting in the living rooms of various families of the churches we attended–watching VHS tapes of Dr. R.C. Sproul. At this time, that was an innovative way to be fed spiritually–to say the least.”

Why Most Sermons Fail in the First Five Minutes | Scribblepreach: Nick Macdonald
And how to change that.

5 Ways to Minister to Women in Crisis | TGC: Kristie Anyabwile
“Cancer strikes. A spouse is unfaithful. Abortion haunts. Sexual sin is exposed. A baby is stillborn. These tragic experiences are regular occurrences in our fallen world. Women we know are in these situations right now, and we must care for them in their trauma.”

Six Traits to Look For In A Spouse | Desiring God: Ben Reaoch
“If you’re single and desiring to be married, you will find that taking the Bible seriously will prove to be the best dating guide in the long run, rather than the superficial criteria the world urges us to focus on.”

Evangelicals Won’t Cave | First Things: Russell Moore
Why evangelicals will not be surrendering to the sexual revolution.

New Book Recommendation

The Happiness of Enjoying and Making a True and Speedy Use of Christ by Alexander Grosse.

Kindle Books

Introducing the Old Testament Books: A Thorough but Concise Introduction for Proper Interpretation by Paul Weaver (Free!)

When God Goes to Starbucks: A Guide to Everyday Apologetics by Paul Copan $1.99.

Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010 by Charles Murray $1.99.


The Secret of Ben Carson’s Success