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Labor has a real lefty…so can we have proper conservatives?
Donald Trump or Ben Carson, the Republican nominee? Bernie Sanders the Democratic nominee, could he? If you still dismiss these possibilties, note that the British Bernie Sanders, Jeremy Corbyn, was elected as leader of the British equivalent of the Labor party on Saturday. There’s something revolutionary afoot among the masses, on both sides of the aisle. Establishment elites, time to quake

At What Point Does the Homosexual Agenda Become a National Religion? | Conservative Review: Daniel Horowitz
It already has.

The Myth of Quality Time | The New York Times: Frank Bruni
There’s simply no real substitute for physical presence.

The Best Day of the Week | Christward Collective: Nick Kennicott
5 Suggestions to make the most of your Lord’s Day.

How a Consumer Culture Threatens to Destroy Pastors | Washington Post: Jen Hatmaker
“Pastors, you are so dear to me. You’ve been extra fathers and mothers my whole life. The vast majority of you are good people who love God and want to be obedient. I respect and love you immensely. I’m also worried about you.”

Extemporaneous Preaching | Feeding on Christ: Nick Batzig
“My hope is that some who read this will get excited about the prospect of learning to preach extemporaneously.” Erik Raymond also touches on this in Preacher Thou Shalt Not Bore People:

If your head is buried for most of the 30-45 minutes then it makes it more difficult to engage with you. Try to rely less on your notes and interact with the people. Look them in the eyes, engage with them, and read them.

Kindle Books

Big God: How to approach suffering, spread the gospel, make decisions and pray in the light of a God who really is in the driving seat of the world by Orlando Saer $2.99.

Contending with Christianity’s Critics: Anwering New Atheists and Other Objectors by William Lane Craig $2.99.

I Dare You Not to Bore Me with the Bible by Michael Heiser $0.99.


The Man in the Red Bandana
A few days late, but never too late to learn about another 9/11 hero.

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Wisely Handling the Bible’s Wise Sayings | R. C. Sproul, Ligonier
They are wise sayings, not commandments.

Celebrating our 1,000,000th Upload! |
An excellent resource and reason to celebrate!

10 Questions For Rule-of-Law Critics Of Kim Davis | Joe Rigney, The Federalist

3 New Spiritual Disciplines for a New Technological Reality | Kathleen Mulhern, Christianity Today
Slowing down is a big part of it.

The ‘Hands-Free’ Life: Seven ways to live a richer, more joyful life despite digital distractions | Elizabeth Tenety, The Washington Post
We could all use a little of this.

New Book

150 Questions about the Psalter by Bradley Johnston ($9.00)

Kindle Deals

What Does the Bible Really Teach about Homosexuality? by Kevin DeYoung ($5.99)

Crazy Busy: A (Mercifully) Short Book about a (Really) Big Problem by Kevin DeYoung, ($5.99)

Real: Owning Your Christian Faith by Daniel Darling ($2.99)


Improving Upon Silence – Floor Remarks on the Planned Parenthood Scandal, Part 1 from Senator Mike Lee

Check out


Get a Basic Overview of the Bible | R. C. Sproul
Excellent guidance from Dr. Sproul, especially if Leviticus has ever thwarted your Bible Reading plans.

Four Reasons Christians Should Support Kim Davis | Rick Phillips, Reformation 21
Is she or is she not in violation of Romans 13:1?

The Scriptural Reverse-Trajectory of the Sexual Revolution | James Faris, Gentle Reformation
Follow our current sexual revolution through Genesis.

Thy Kingdom Come | Mike Wittmer
Information about the one-day conference on The New Creation at Grand Rapids Theological Seminary.

The First Cut is the Deepest: Self Harmers in the Church
“A survey of Scottish young people stated that nearly 20% of females and 7% of males revealed that self-harming had been a lifetime occurrence. The UK has the highest rate of self-harm in Europe and the highest proportion of people who self-harm are statistically between 11 – 25 years of age. ”

Kevin VanHoozer’s 55 Theses on Pastors as Public Theologians
“Why does the church need pastor-theologians? What are pastor-theologians for? Our answer, in brief, is that pastor-theologians are gifts from the risen Christ, helps in building Christ’s church, especially by leading people to confess, comprehend, celebrate, communicate, commend to others, and conform themselves to what is in Christ.”

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Kindle Books

Don’t Waste Your Cancer by John Piper $1.99

The Messianic Hope: Is the Old Testament Really Messianic? by Michael Rydelink $3.99


How to Fight Addiction in a Pornographic Culture | Voddie Baucham, Desiring God

Divorce for Pornography?

I’ve been asked this question a few times, and was asked it again last week: “Is heavy use of pornography grounds for divorce?”

Until last week, I’ve usually come down on the “No” side, but having seen and heard more and more about this kind of sin, last week, for the first time, I found myself moving towards a hesitant “Yes.”

Before I explain my reasoning, let me offer a few qualifiers.


First, I’m not saying porn use requires divorce. Just as in the cases of abandonment and adultery, the woman may divorce her husband on these grounds, but does not have to.

Second, with the already weakened state of marriage in the Christian church, none of us want to be responsible for further weakening of it by making divorce more common. However, as with adultery and abandonment, God gives biblical grounds for divorce not only to protect the innocent, but also so that husbands and wives may know that there are lines they must not cross, thereby strengthening marriage. If more husbands knew that their porn use gave their wives grounds for divorce, perhaps less marriages would be devastated by it.

Third, we’re not talking about one-off porn use or even a few times. We’re talking about unrepentant and heavy use of hardcore pornography which the man refuses to stop.

Fourth, this does not mean we pastorally abandon the man, but rather we continue to minister to him and counsel him.

Fifth, separation without divorce would still be my preferred option in most of these extreme circumstances, with an ultimatum to the man to cease using porn, a time limit on his compliance, a promise of the woman to return if the conditions are met, and an agreement that one further use of porn will mean permanent separation and probably divorce.

Sixth, I am aware that there is no explicit biblical verse to support this position, but I believe it is a valid practical application of biblical principles. However, with it being an application of principle, Christians are likely to have different views on its validity. Notice, I said earlier, I’m in the “hesitant yes” category. I’m open to correction on this.

Seventh, although for some this approach may be unprecedented, we have to recognize that we are in unprecedented times with the unprecedented use of porn by some professing Christian men. The church has been slow to recognize these changes and to work out how God’s Word applies in these circumstances. We need to catch up.


These are my qualifiers. Now, my reasoning. And it’s really quite simple. It’s adultery.

“Oh, but there’s no real woman involved,” says an objector.

Really? Of course there is. In fact in some ways it’s worse than “ordinary” adultery in that it involves multiple women, many of whom are nothing less than sexual slaves, forced to satisfy the adulterous desires of porn users.

“Oh, but this is all in the man’s mind, it’s not real adultery, involving two physical bodies.”

Well, it certainly involves his body; repeatedly. And it certainly involves many women’s bodies. Just because there is a screen between them, and many miles may separate them, does not mean that two bodies are not being used adulterously.

“Oh, but every married man commits adultery in their minds.”

Maybe. But this is different in kind and degree. Is there no line we can draw anywhere, when porn use eventually crosses into divorce-justifying adultery? No amount of porn, no kind of porn, eventually equals adultery that would permit divorce?

As I said, I’m open to correction. I’d like to hear your arguments for and against. I’ll be especially interested to see if there’s a male/female split on this, as my own “polling” has found women more in the “Yes” camp than men.


1. I used the example of a man, but obviously the principles equally apply to a woman.

2. Most helpful extra piece of information is that porneia/πορνεία in Matthew 5:32 and Matthew 19:9 means more than just “ordinary” adultery (moicheia/μοιχεία). It covers a wider range of sexual immorality.

3. #2 means that we must use wisdom to distinguish between certain kinds of porneia when considering whether there are grounds of divorce. There is porneia, and there is divorce-justifying porneia.

4. The question of degrees of porneia applies to non-digital porneia as well. For example, if a married woman kisses a married man (not her husband) in a sexual way, porneia has taken place, but few would say it is divorce-justifying porneia.

5. On the other hand, divorce-justifying porneia can take place without going the full way of sexual intercourse (e.g. President Clinton & Monica Lewinsky).

6. Even in the worst-cases of porneia, we should use counseling and church discipline first to try to save the soul and the marriage before considering divorce.


This has been one of the most helpful blog discussions I’ve seen in the Christian blogosphere. Thank you to everyone who contributed and for the generally respectful, moderate, and constructive tone of most of the comments. Lots of helpful insights for us all to consider as we seek the Lord’s mind on this vexing issue. As I’m not seeing too much that’s new in the comments, and I don’t want the good that has come from the discussion to be lost,  I think it best to close the comments now. I didn’t answer all the questions raised, partly because others answered them, and partly because I don’t have all the answers.

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Let’s Reclaim The Glory Of Being A ‘Maker’ | Lori Sanders and Cameron Smith, The Federalist
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China’s Anti-Christian Crusade | Washington Post

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Recovering Redemption: A Gospel Saturated Perspective on How to Change by Matt Chandler and Michael Snetzer ($2.99)

Jesus, Continued…: Why the Spirit Inside You is Better than Jesus Beside You by J. D. Greear ($1.99)

The Mentor Leader: Secrets to Building People and Teams That Win Consistently by Tony Dungy ($0.99)


How Social Media Turns Truth Into a Video Game

7 Truths to Puncture a Man-Centered Church

God hates man-centered churches. When preachers’ names are on Christians’ minds and mouths more than God’s, it contradicts everything that He’s about.

Corinth was one such church; a church where believers spent most of their time talking about Paul, Apollos, and Cephas rather than the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. So, in 1 Corinthians 3 (especially verses 5-6), God sent the Apostle Paul with seven sharp needles of truth to puncture the dangerous balloon of man-centeredness that was squeezing God out of the church.

1. “Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos?”

It’s like someone walks into a conversation where people are excitedly talking about the latest celebrity news and asks, “Eh, who are Kardashians? And who’s Kanye?” Talk about air leaving the room. The Apostle asks these deflating questions to remind the Corinthians that compared to God, their favorite preachers are hardly worth talking about.

2. “But ministers”

The Corinthians were putting Paul, Apollos and others on high pedestals, looking up to them and bowing down to them as their idols. “No” says Paul, “They’re not masters, but ministers.” They are servants, which means inferiority and instrumentality. They are inferior to their master (God), and mere insturments of their master (God). So talk about the master not the servants, the master not his messengers.

3. “Through whom you believed”

Not in whom you believed, but by whom you believed. They were not the object of your faith, but the means of your faith. Sure, they played a role in your believing, but they were not the objects of your believing.

4. “As the Lord gave to each one”

So Apollos was used in your conversion. Was that because of his talents and gifts? His innate abilities? Nope. It was because God sovereignly decided to pick him up and use him. And anyway, even Apollos’s gifts are not his, but God’s gifts to him.

5. “So then neither he who plants is anything nor he who waters”

The planter is nothing. The waterer is nothing. Why idolize nothings?

6. “God gave the increase”

Is your church increasing? Is your spiritual life increasing? Where did that come from? God gave the increase. Wherever there is spiritual growth, it must never be claimed by or attributed to the mere sower or waterer. That’s stealing from God. God gave the increase. Whenever any minister associates their name with growth in numbers or multiplication of churches, they deny this truth, steal from God’s glory, and builds a man-centered church.

7. “Each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor”

This is one of the most encouraging verses in the Bible for faithful ministers laboring in obscurity and anonymity. God does not reward based upon comparisons with other ministers. He does not reward according to talents, gifts, or results. He rewards each pastor “according to his own labor.” God is looking at the hours, the diligence, and the faithfulness of daily unseen and often unappreciated labor, and is piling up heavenly rewards for His laboring servants. Charles Hodge sharpens the point of this needle with his commentary on this verse:

This brings the humblest on a level with the most exalted; the least successful with the most highly favored. The faithful, laborious minister or missionary who labors in obscurity and without apparent fruit, will meet a reward far beyond that of those who, with less self-denial and effort, are made the instruments of great results.

May these seven truths perforate, burst, and deflate pastoral egos everywhere, and deliver churches from man-centeredness to God-centeredness.