Check out


Pro-Lifers are Today’s Abolitionists | The Federalist

15 Wisdom Principles on Deciding When to Stop Having Children | Deepak Reju: Biblical Counseling Coalition

Does God Really Expect Gays to be Celibate | True Woman

57 Things to Keep in Evernote | Time Management Ninja

You Want To Move Up In Ministry? | Jim Fowler

When Cancer Interrupts | David Powlison

Use These Two Words on Your College Essay to Get Into Harvard | Fastcompany

Interview about The Happy Christian | Books at a Glance

Kindle Books

Newton on the Christian Life: To Live Is Christ by Tony Reinke $5.99.

The Money Answer Book: Quick Answers to Everyday Financial Questions by Dave Ramsey $1.99.

A Place of Healing: Wrestling with the Mysteries of Suffering, Pain, and God’s Sovereignty by Joni Eareckson Tada $0.99.

New Book

Fool’s Talk: Recovering the Art of Christian Persuasion by Os Guinness.


What happens month by month in the womb 

Watch God’s Technology Film for Free

A friend and I made this film a few years ago and released it on DVD. The DVDs sold out a couple of years ago and, as not many people are watching DVDs now, it’s not worth manufacturing any more. So, I thought I might as well make it available to stream for free.

Four years on I’d update a few areas (and the style!) but I think there’s still helpful material here for families, schools, and churches that want to train their children to use God’s good gift of technology in a way that is glorifying to God. Here’s a free study guide, and here’s the blurb:

The personal computer and the Internet have transformed the way we and our children study, play, socialize, shop, learn, and even apply for jobs. If you are a parent, teacher, or pastor, you probably feel overwhelmed by the size and speed of the changes. There are many wonderful new opportunities, but also many dangers.

God’s Technology presents a Christian response to the digital revolution. After laying the foundation of four biblical principles, I make the case for disciplined discernment in our use of technology, propose a practical seven-step training program to develop disciplined discernment in our children, and conclude by showing how to apply these seven steps to Facebook use.

A Bundle of Joy

The Christian Ministry

The Christian Life

God’s Mobile Home

The Christian Faith

Check out


How Rich Corporate Elites are Lobbying Lawmakers to Crush Marriage Advocates | Daily Signal: Ryan Anderson

The Darker, Dangerous Side of American Homosexuality | Touchstone Magazine

Now is the Time for Outrage | Todd Pruitt

3 Ways Chuck Colson Offers a Future for Evangelicals in College | The Federalist: Owen Strachan

7 Ways I Protect my Sabbath – A Challenge for my Pastor Friends | Ron Edmondson

3 Sermon Tips for Bi-Vocational Pastors | The Exchange: Marty Duren

14 Trinitarian Works | Paul Tautges

Whom Do Tim Keller and Don Carson Look Up To? | TGC

What You Miss When You Take Notes on Your Laptop | Harvard Business Review

Kindle Books

Enjoy Your Prayer Life by Michael Reeves $2.99.

The Unquenchable Flame: Discovering the Heart of the Reformation by Michael Reeves $2.99.

Live Like A Narnian: Christian Discipleship in Lewis’s Chronicles by Joe Rigney $2.99.

Counseling the Hard Cases by Stuart Scott $2.99.

Truth in a Culture of Doubt: Engaging Skeptical Challenges to the Bible by Andreas Kostenberger $2.99.


US Judge Recognizes Old School Friend in Dock

Couldn’t help think of Joseph and his brothers when I saw this prisoner’s reaction to the Judge’s revelation of herself. I loved the Judge’s compassion and her reminder to him of better days that could be recaptured.

Check out


Don’t Waste Death | Desiring God: Phillip Holmes

Recommended Resources on Assurance for Tenderhearted Souls | Credo: Timothy Reymond

10 Disciplines I’d Recommend Everyone Start in their Twenties | Ron Edmondson

Introducing the New Source of Free Logos Training | Logos

8 Shocking Moments from the 4th Planned Parenthood Video | The Federalist

10 Updates on Planned Parenthood and How to Contact Congress | TGC: Justin Taylor

Kindle Books

Running for My Life: One Lost Boy’s Journey from the Killing Fields of Sudan to the Olympic Games. I’m halfway through this and loving it. On sale today for $1.99.

The American Home Front: 1941-1942 by Alistair Cooke $1.99. Classic insight into wartime America.

 Truth Matters: Confident Faith in a Confusing World by Andreas Kostenberger $0.99.

Recommended New Book

Onward: Engaging the Culture without Losing the Gospel by Russell Moore.


Best Advice for Dating Couples

How Reading Can Transform Your Health

In How Changing Your Reading Habits Can Transform Your Health, Michael Grothaus says, “Reading doesn’t just improve your knowledge, it can help fight depression, make you more confident, empathetic, and a better decision-maker.”

Grothaus’s life was in a rut…until he read War and Peace. Its 1500 pages took him two months to conquer and immediately became his favorite book because of how it changed him. “It’s  almost impossible to explain why,” he says “but after reading it I felt more confident in myself, less uncertain about my future…As weird as it sounds, reading War and Peace put me back in control of my life—and that’s why it’s my favorite book.”

But Grothaus’s further research into reading revealed that such a transformation through reading wasn’t weird but “the norm for people who read a lot—and one of the main benefits of reading that most people don’t know about.” What else did he discover?

  • Reading for pleasure can help prevent conditions such as stress, depression, and dementia.
  • Reading can offer richer, broader, and more complex models of experience, which enable people to view their own lives from a refreshed perspective and with renewed understanding.
  • Reading about other characters and situations helps you to look at life’s challenges from a renewed perspective.
  • People who read find it easier to make decisions, plan, and prioritize, because they are more able to recognize that difficulty and setback are unavoidable aspects of human life.
  • People who read for pleasure regularly report fewer feelings of stress and depression than non-readers.
  • Being more engaged with reading, along with other hobbies, is associated with a lower subsequent risk of incidents of dementia.
  • People who read books regularly are on average more satisfied with life, happier, and more likely to feel that the things they do in life are worthwhile.
  • Despite reading being a solitary experience research shows that reading improves empathy and increases social support.
  • A recent survey of 1,500 adult readers found that 76% of them said that reading improves their life and helps to make them feel good.

Grothaus goes on to give four tips on how to overcome obstacles to reading in our distracted and over-committed lives (see here).

But if reading secular books can have such life-transforming benefit, how much more will a wide range of good spiritual books transform our lives and even our eternity.

“From childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus” (2 Timothy 3:15).

Check out


The Rewards of Wisdom | Credo Magazine: Tom Schreiner

The Most Important Word in Your Vocabulary (But hardest to say) | Aaron Armstrong

Why We Fail At Family Devotions | Tim Challies

Cognitive Dissonance on Life and Death: Thoughts on Planned Parenthood | The Exchange

Four Promises for our Breakups | Tony Reinke

A Mini-Theology of Technology | Tony Reinke

Kindle Books

Preaching: The Art of Narrative Exposition by Calvin Miller $1.99. You won’t agree with everything in this book, but it will freshen up your preaching.

God’s Love: How the Infinite God Cares for His Children by R C Sproul $1.99.

Exalting Jesus in Ezra-Nehemiah by James Hamilton $2.99. And if you scroll down the page on Amazon you’ll find multiple other commentaries in this series for sale, some at $0.99.

Recommended New Book

Word-Filled Women’s Ministry: Loving and Serving the Church by Gloria Furman and others


Two worship-inducing videos of God’s creation

Slow Motion Lightning

The Chase