8 Ways To Honor Marriage

We honor marriage because God honors it. Indeed the whole Trinity testifies that marriage is honorable.

  • God the Father honored it by designing, instituting, regulating, and witnessing the first marriage. God defines it’s nature, its parties, and its terms. 
  • Christ honored it by performing his first miracle at a wedding (John 2) and using marriage in quite a few parables
  • The Holy Spirit honored it by making it a picture of the church in Ephesians 5.

We also honor marriage because God commands it to be honored (Heb 13:4). Here are eight ways we can do this.

1. We honor it by praying for it

Some people will pray for a parking spot but never pray for a wife or a husband. They think it’s too much to ask. Or they’ll pray for their kids to get into college but not that they’d get into a good marriage. By not asking God for marriage for themselves or their loved ones, they are dishonoring marriage and the God who can give it.

A fund raiser once told me that some wealthy people he knows are actually insulted if he doesn’t ask them for money, or if he asks them for too little. Instead they feel honored that he should ask them and that he should ask them for so much.

Honor God and marriage by asking for happy and fruitful marriages for yourself and for your children. Let it never be said, “You have not, because you ask not.” Or “You ask not because you value not.”

2. We honor it by seeking partners according to God’s Word

God has clearly set out that Christians should only marry in the Lord (1 Cor. 7:39) and that there are certain characteristics and qualifications to look for in a wife or husband. We honor God when we comply with the Maker’s instructions for marriage.

3. We honor it by waiting for it

God has forbidden sexual intimacy before marriage. We’re not permitted an appetizer, not even a sip; that only spoils the feast. Honor marriage by waiting for it.

4. We honor it by entering into it at appropriate ages

We can dishonor marriage by getting married too young, when there’s little understanding or appreciation of marriage, when one or both parties are too flippant or frivolous about it. But we also dishonor it by delaying too long, by putting it off later and later in life.

5. We honor it by organizing Christ-centered weddings

Some weddings have virtually no reference to God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, or the Gospel. The messages are just full of do’s and don’ts, the speeches are irreverent and risqué. It’s like receiving the greatest gift from someone and then not even thanking them, or worse, making fun of him and his values. Honor marriage by honoring God on your marriage day.

6. We honor it by avoiding debt-laden weddings

The average wedding in America now costs $31,000! What a way to start out in married life. It’s like starting a race with lead weights tied round your ankles. It is wrong, displeasing to God, and damaging to everyone.

7. We honor it by taking on the roles God has designed

The wife’s role and the husband’s role have each been designed by God to show the relationship between Christ and church – the man to primarily show Christ’ love, the woman to primarily show the believer’s obedience.

8. We honor it by defending and promoting it.

We oppose every attempt to re-define marriage. But we must to more than defend marriage and oppose its attackers. We must also promote it by demonstrating what a wonderful thing it is – especially to our children. We must demonstrate its benefits.

The Puritan Daniel Rogers wrote:

Marriage is the preservative of chastity, the seminary of the commonwealth, seed plot of the church, pillar of the world, right hand of providence, supporter of laws, states, orders, offices, gifts, and services; the glory of peace, the sinews of war, the maintenance of policy, the life of the dead, the solace of the living, the ambition of virginity, the foundation of countries, cities, universities, succession of families, crowns, and kingdoms.

Check out


Five Ways to Go Wrong with Church Discipline | Parchment and Pen Blog
Pair with the next link.

5 Prayers for When Conflict Strikes | TGC | The Gospel Coalition
Seem to always be in need of these prayers.

Sacrifices by Fire | Gentle Reformation
I went paperless a few years ago but I still didn’t have the strength and logic to do what Barry York did – burn all his old sermons.

Dear Graduate | Desiring God
Dear Graduate, read the next link too.

How My Family Escaped The College Rat Race
With one son in college and the other beginning, I’m always grateful for families who share their encouraging stories of doing college on a budget.

Connected Fools | Nathan W. Bingham
Always worth listening to Ligonier’s social media expert when he talks technology.

Legalism(s) – Reformation21 Blog
Legalism expert (that’s a compliment), Mark Jones, splits legalism into a number of different categories. If it doesn’t catch you one way, it’ll sneak up on you some other way.

The Trouble With Gay Marriage
This was written by an atheist, and he makes some good points; but his explanation is incomplete. Gay marriage is not about gay marriage. It’s a desperate attempt to silence the voice of God’s condemnation in their consciences by using marriage to put a stamp of state and societal approval on their unions and relationships. And when that is not enough – and it won’t be – then they will try to silence every single Christian who still says, “This is wrong.” And even if every nation puts its stamp of approval on them, and they manage to stamp out every Christian voice of opposition, they will never silence or stamp out the voice of God within.

Kindle Books

Bella’s Gift: How One Little Girl Transformed Our Family and Inspired a Nation by Rick Santorum $0.99.

Gods at War: Defeating the Idols that Battle for Your Heart by Kyle Idleman $2.99.

How to Talk to a Skeptic: An Easy-to-Follow Guide for Natural Conversations and Effective Apologetics by Donald Johnson $1.99.

Killjoys by John Piper $2.99.

More Kindle books at great prices here.

Recommended New Book

Developments in Biblical Counseling by Cameron Fraser $5.99.

Also endorsed by J I Packer. Cameron knows his subject, writes simply and clearly, and assesses positions in a fair and balanced way. This book will help readers navigate the different approaches in biblical counseling.


A Conversation on Inspiration and Inerrancy with Michael Kruger, Darrell Bock, and Andreas Köstenberger | Canon Fodder

Can’t find embed links for this, but you can see the video conversation here.

Check out


Jesus Isn’t Looking For Flashy
Have you been called to be a disciple of the mundane? Kara Dedert has come encouraging words for you amidst the monotony.

The Pastor As A Nursing Mother
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Lincoln And The World Changing Impact Of Overlooking An Offense
Trevin Wax unearths a fascinating story about Abraham Lincoln’s forgiveness of Edwin Stanton’s humiliating snub. Whether Lincoln knew the saving grace of God or not, many of us who who do could bless our churches by learning from him.

My Father Killed My Mother
You need a strong heart for this gritty story that doesn’t yet have a “happy ever after” ending.

Are You A Negaholic? 
Michael Hyatt describes five ways that pessimism may be ruining your life.

Your Paper Brain And Your Kindle Brain Aren’t The Same Thing
Unless you set aside time each day to read something on paper, the deep-reading ability of your brain will die.

Looks like Kim Shay and I have been thinking the same thoughts recently about social media, blogging, famous Christians, etc.


Responding to a recent Gallup social issue survey that shows America continues to shift left (or at least away from the Bible) on key moral issues, Ross Douthat writes on The Prospects For Polygamy and Joe Carter answers the question Why are behaviors the Bible condemns considered morally acceptable to Christians? Some of the statistical changes are frightening. The figures are presented for / against and should be posted beside where we pray each day. So much misery ahead for a society and for individuals with these kinds of morals and practices.

  • Sex between an unmarried man and woman: 68 / 29
  • Medical research using stem cells obtained from human embryos: 64 / 29
  • Gay or lesbian relations: 63 / 34
  • Having a baby outside of marriage: 61 / 35
  • Doctor assisted suicide: 56 / 37
  • Abortion: 45 / 45
  • Sex between teenagers: 37 / 56
  • Pornography: 34 / 62
  • Suicide: 19 / 73
  • Polygamy: 16 / 81
  • Married men and women having an affair: 8 / 89

Kindle Books

The Gospel of God by R C Sproul $4.99.

A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 by Phillip Keller $4.99.

Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing by Sally Lloyd-Jones $1.99.

More Kindle books at great prices here.

New Book Recommendation

Passing Through: Pilgrim Life in the Wilderness by Jeremy Walker $9.99

“In the world, but not of the world.’” We’ve all said it, and we’ve all heard it – many times. But what does it really mean? Avoiding the dangers of isolation, insulation, and inattention, Jeremy Walker provides a reliable and readable guide for the Christian pilgrim passing through this passing world.


Behind the Bow Tie: A Profile of a Professor with a Missionary Heart

Check out


Loving Individuals Who are Hurting: Tips on Navigating Trauma and Grief | The Exchange | A Blog by Ed Stetzer

Grief and God’s Good Timing | TGC | The Gospel Coalition

9 Things You Should Know About Mental Health | TGC | The Gospel Coalition

The Top 18 Things I’ve Learned On The Way To 44 | Hunter Baker

In Search of an Honest Atheist | TGC | The Gospel Coalition

Maybe you haven’t noticed: God made two sexes | The Cripplegate

Leaving and Cleaving « THE CHRISTIAN PUNDIT

A Pastoral Perspective on Illegal Immigration | The Cripplegate

15 Helps for Developing Trust in God – Borrowed Light

Credo Magazine » “There Is None Like Me In All the Earth” – The Exodus, the Fame of God’s Name, and the Manifestation of God’s Jealousy through Divine Sovereignty

What lessons have you learned after 20 years of pastoral ministry? | Practical ShepherdingPractical Shepherding

Remembering the Gospel with Alzheimer’s | Her.meneutics | Christianitytoday.com

How do I know what is morally wrong? | Gentle Reformation

Kindle Books

How People Change by Tim Lane $2.99

The Complete Works of Charles Spurgeon – Volume 1, Sermons, $0.99

The Pastor’s Wife by Sabina Wurmbrand $1.oo

Recommended New Book

The Flow of the Psalms: Discovering Their Structure and Theology by O. Palmer Robertson $9.99.


 Three Generations on Race Relations

A Bundle of Joy: 6 New Books on Christian Happiness for $2.99


Six books on Christian joy totaling 800+ pages for $2.99!

A Bundle of Joy: Six Books on Christian Happiness is intended as a supplement or appetizer for The Happy Christian: 10 Ways To Be A Joyful Believer In A Gloomy World. In A Bundle Of Joy you’ll find six books that explore and apply the Bible’s teaching about joy in everyday life.

100 Days Of Happiness: A Daily Diet Of Joy For A Gloomy World

Snack on these short and instructive devotionals for 100 days and watch as your happiness expands, deepens, and grows into a healthy habit for the rest of your life.

1000 Happy Quotes: A History Of Christian Happiness

Select quotes about Christian happiness from every era of church history. Read a few a day and memorize some of the shorter ones to gradually drip-drip-drip joy into your soul until you overflow in joyful praise to God and joyful service to others!

The Happy Leader: Leading For Spiritual Profit

As the happiest Christian leaders model biblical leadership and thereby produce the most spiritual profit for the Christians and churches they lead, this book looks at thirteen biblical models of leadership.

  • The Humble Servant
  • The Patient Shepherd
  • The Courageous Captain
  • The Honest Steward
  • The Wise Communicator
  • The Social Media Maven
  • The Careful Timekeeper
  • The Sleeping Baby
  • The Efficient Administrator
  • The Respected Chairman
  • The Bull-Loving Matador
  • The Just Judge
  • The Motherly Father

The Happy Family: God’s Guide To Family Flourishing

As the most biblical families are the happiest families, here’s the basics of building a happy Christian family:

  • The Happy Father
  • The Happy Mother
  • The Happy Child
  • The Happy Husband
  • The Happy Wife
  • The Happy Single
  • The Happy Senior
  • The Happy Teen

The Happy Student: Happiness And Success At School

What makes for happy students? This book provides the answer based around eight topics:

  • Happy studies
  • Happy organization
  • Happy time-management
  • Happy health
  • Happy technology
  • Happy money-management
  • Happy relationships
  • Happy decision-making

The Happy Church: Holy, Healthy, Happy Churches

Holy, healthy, and happy churches are built upon truth, holiness, worship, justice, unity, and biblical diversity.

A Bundle of Joy: Six Books on Christian Happiness

Check out


The Gospel in Mexico: An Interview with Victor Cruz | Reformed Theology Articles at Ligonier.org

The Only Path to Societal Renewal | TGC | The Gospel Coalition

7 Steps to Conflict Resolution | TGC | The Gospel Coalition

How a Week with Apple Watch Reduced My Screen Time | Nathan W. Bingham

Letter to Teens Unboxing Their First Smartphone | Desiring God

An Open Letter to Christian Parents of Unbelieving Adult Children | The Christward Collective

You Should Probably Stop Using Lexicons | LogosTalk

Identity, Ethnicity, Culture, and the Gospel – Reformed African American Network

The Pattern Among Fallen Pastors | TGC | The Gospel Coalition

Ask (The Other) Pastor John | Challies Dot Com

Kindle Books

The Hardest Peace: Expecting Grace in the Midst of Life’s Hard by Kara Tippet $1.14

How To Memorize The Bible Fast And Easy by Adam Houge $0.99

Fly a Little Higher: How God Answered a Mom’s Small Prayer in a Big Way by Laura Sobiech $1.99

More Kindle books here.

Recommended New Book

Defending Substitution: An Essay on Atonement in Paul by Simon Gathercole $9.99