Completing not Competing

When two different things work well together, we say they complement each other, they fit one another, enhance one another, perfect one another, and complete one another.

Take nuts and bolts for example; they are usually made of the same material, but they are quite different to look at and have quite different roles. However, for all the differences, they work perfectly together in connecting and strengthening materials.  

One without the other is pretty useless, and two nuts or two bolts are equally useless. But a nut and bolt complement one another. They don’t compete with one another, they complete one another. 

When we look at the nut and bolt, we don’t think one is superior or inferior to the other, we just see different designs for different but complementary purposes. We don’t try to make the nut into a bolt or vice versa; that’s just a waste of time and effort. And when we see them working well together, we may want to compliment the inventor of this complement. 

Complementary Voices

Or take four singers all singing the same song with the same notes. That can sound quite pleasant. However, a composer comes along and with his trained ear can sense that each voice has it’s own unique sound. He therefore trains them individually to sing different notes – one is a soprano, another a bass, and the other two are alto and tenor.

Then he brings them all together again and what a transformation. Although they are now all singing different notes they complement each other and the harmonious result is far more beautiful than before. They don’t compete with one another but complete one another. 

We don’t think of one being more important or superior to another, we just hear each voice suited to its own role. The bass doesn’t try to be the soprano or vice versa – that just doesn’t work. We listen with pleasure and praise for the composer, and leave paying compliments to the arranger of this complement

Complementary Genders

When we come to men and women, we clearly see how God made men and women quite different. Sure, we all have eyes, ears, mouths, etc., but we are different in many other ways – physically, emotionally, cognitively, and so on. And these differences are not a problem, they are the solution. The differences are not accidental but intentional.

God made men and women different in order that they would complement each other, work better together than apart. They don’t compete with each other, they complete each other. 

They differ physically; they differ in the way each thinks, feels, and relates; they differ in their roles and responsibilities. And yet because God deliberately designed the differences to help and perfect the other, when these differences are accepted and celebrated, both the man and the woman flourish and thrive. Neither is superior nor inferior to the other, and neither is suited to the roles and responsibilities of the other.

Even in sinless paradise, God saw that man was incomplete while alone. With great wisdom and skill He made the first woman, Eve, not to compete with Adam but to complete him (and vice versa). God did not design another man for Adam – that would not have solved the problem, but simply doubled it. He created a woman, and when Adam immediately saw how she complemented him and he her, he complimented both her and the one who made them so complementary.

Let’s all of us praise God for His gender design skills, and cooperate with His plan rather than substitute our own. If married, why not ask, “How can we better complement each other?” or if unmarried and yet hoping to be married, “What areas should I develop, in order to be more complementary to my future husband/wife?”

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Best Blogs
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The Secret to a Happy Life | R C Sproul

Husbands, Hold Your Wife’s Hand | R C Sproul Jr.

How To Get Things Done: Time, Energy, and Mission | Tim Challies

10 Types of Thinking That Undergird Depression-Anxiety | Brad Hambrick

Learn More in Less Time | Books At A Glance

Want To Be Happy For The Rest Of Your Life? Have A Big, Cheap Wedding

The Ten Commandments For Using Modern Media | Challies Dot Com

What is Discernment?

The Shepherding Seminary | Gentle Reformation

BCC Weekend Resource: Counseling After a Suicide | Biblical Counseling Coalition Blogs

Get Alone Undistracted

The Celebrity Pastor Problem: From Mars Hill To Me | Am I Called?

Best Videos

A Story of Grace
This is such a beautiful testimony. I loved the ending especially.

Beautiful Chemical Reactions
Yes, really.

Huge Fog Bank Rolls Over Lake Michigan

2014 World Public Speaking Champion
Looks like a well-deserved title.

A Feature Length Documentary on The Life & Legacy of Scotland’s Reformer

This from a friend in Scotland:

2014 marks the 500th anniversary of John Knox – the dynamic and controversial man who led the Reformation in Scotland. To mark the occasion, we are making a full length documentary. The title comes from Knox’ famous prayer: ‘Give me Scotland, or I die’ and the film would retell the engaging and dramatic story of Knox and explore the relevance of the man and of his Reformational message in the 21st Century.

You can read more here and also contribute to the funding of the film – $4000 remains to be raised.

Murdo Macleod, the producer, is the son of a pastor friend of mine in Scotland. Here’s a little about Murdo:

Murdo has a 1st Class Honours degree in Pure Maths at the University of Glasgow. He went on to do a second degree at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama (now the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland) where he completed a BA in Digital Film and Television. Previous short films which he has worked on have won awards with BAFTA and with the Royal Television Society and have been screened at film festivals around the world, including Beijing, Toronto, Chicago and London. He launched Trinity Digital earlier this year as a means to provide film and video resources particularly to churches and Christian organizations.

If you are interested in giving more than $500, please contact Murdo directly via the contact form here.

9 Vital Answers About Depression And Suicide

According to the CDC, US life expectancy has reached an all time high of 79, but at the same time suicide rates have climbed to a 25-year high.

Some research suggests suicides increase during hard economic times, but this trend has persisted before, during, and after the recession of 2007-2009. Some experts have said the sale and abuse of prescription painkillers in the last decade have been a contributing factor.

In the United States, young adult and teen suicide is the third leading cause of death for those between the ages of 10-24 according to the U.S. Centers for Disease control. Young adults and late teens dealing with depression and suicidal thoughts often keep to themselves and can be afraid or unwilling to talk to their parents or other influential adults in their lives. Dr. Jesse Vinver from the Yellowbrick treatment center  has put together a list of the warning signs and causes of depression and suicide in young adults along with tips for seeking help and providing support that can be seen in this helpful infographic.

I’m not endorsing Yellowbrick ( I don’t know enough about them) but I thought this was a helpful basic infographic that might help suffering families.

Depression-Suicide Graphic

Depression-Suicide Graphic

Dealing With Disruptive Students (and Kids)

The Tomorrow’s Professor blog from Standford University recently gave tips on how to deal with disruptive students. As we don’t have any of these at PRTS, of course, I thought I’d pass them on to other teachers; but also to parents, because so many of the points apply to parenting also.

The rather lengthy (@3000 word blog post) deals with many kinds of disruptive behavior and offers many helpful tips for various teaching (and parenting situations). It also outlines a ten-step approach for dealing with disruptive students (and children?) which I’ve summarized below:

1. Don’t take the disruption personally: Focus on the distraction rather than on the student.  By remaining objective and not taking the situation personally, you can respond in a calm manner.

2. Stay calm: You will be much more authoritative when you are perceived to be dealing with the distraction in a composed manner and when students believe that you like them.

3. Decide when you will deal with the situation: Quickly and briefly in class or privately and at length after class. Allow students to save face where possible.

4. Be polite: It is far better to say “I’d like to continue with the class” or “It is important that you concentrate for the next few minutes” than “Don’t talk when I’m talking.”

5. Listen to the student: Really listen to what a disruptive student is saying. Put yourself in their shoes and try to understand what is lying behind the disruption.

6. Check you understand: Ask questions until you have enough information to understand the situation.

7. Decide what you’re going to do: Think win-win but always prioritize the learning experience of the non-disruptive students.

8. Explain your decision to the student: Tell the students what you have decided, explain your rationale and check they understand.

9. Follow through: You must do what you said you would do!

10. Document your decisions: Where the disruption has resulted in significant action it is a good idea to document the nature of the disruption, your actions and the rationale for your decision.  This will help you to reflect and evaluate.

The article closes with this cheery reminder: “Finally, remember that most students (and children?) are polite and helpful and want to learn!”

Read the whole post here, or the book from which the article is extracted: Making Teaching Work: Teaching Smarter in Post-Compulsory Education.

Resisting Gossip: Free Video Curriculum

This week, Pastor Matt Mitchell, author of Resisting Gossip: Winning the War of the Wagging Tongue has released two new Resisting Gossip resources.  The first is a bible study curriculum that dives deeper into the content first introduced in the book Resisting Gossip.  The second is a series of videos to supplement the curriculum which are being offered for free on Matt’s website. These videos are also offered on DVD for those who prefer a physical format.

I encourage you to dive into these resources.  Gossip is a destructive, ugly sin that we can all fall into too easily. Matt’s curriculum shows us exactly what the Bible says about gossip and what we can do to flee from the temptation.