New book from Evangelical Press: How Sermons Work.
New book from Evangelical Press: How Sermons Work.
The preacher has a number of God-given voice tools in his vocal toolbox. Here are six. (Update: For more on how to deliver a sermon, see my new book from Evangelical Press, How Sermons Work.) 1. Volume There is no point in…
New book from Evangelical Press: How Sermons Work.
New book from Evangelical Press: How Sermons Work.
The preacher is described as, “a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Tim. 2:15). This means that a major part of the preacher’s task is to divide the word of God into…
When introducing a sermon: 1. Don’t be too long Over-lengthy introductions imbalance the sermon, waste time, and weary the congregation. An introduction should contain only one leading thought. 2. Don’t be too showy Some preachers think that they will get…