Why William Zinsser’s writing book is still number one
I could not agree more with this article, especially it’s highlighting of pages 10 & 11. These pages revolutionized my preaching long before I ever thought of writing. I recommend these pages to all my preaching students.

Psychology Today: What Christians should think of neuroscience
Carefully balanced article by Marvin Olasky.

When feelings fail
Trillia Newbell puts words on what many feel (or, in this case, don’t feel)

Worshipping at the altar of family
This ties in with yesterday’s observation.

A Trinity of Trinitarian Books
I mentioned on Monday how few practical books there are on the Trinity. Justin Taylor to the rescue, as usual. And here’s a review of one of these books, Delighting in the Trinity.

Old Testament Exegesis
A few articles on Old Testament exegesis. Justin Taylor on Do Not Muzzle the Ox: Does Paul quote Moses out of Context? Jim Hamilton on how Typology Preserves Biblical Inerrancy Against Ehrman’s Mistake. Then Mike Leake reviews The Gospel According to Isaiah 53.