
Christ’s Body and Affections In Heaven | Mark Jones, Reformation21 Blog
“Jesus remains forever the God-man. He will always be fully God and fully man. For him to somehow “shed” his humanity would be a great loss to us in heaven, for we would have no way of seeing God. But what about his affections in his state of glory?”

The Gospel for the Hopeless: An Interview with John Barros | Tabletalk
John talks about his ministry at an Orlando abortion clinic.

Brother, Where Is Your Identity? | David Powlison, The Gospel Coalition

How to Witness at Work | Tom Nelson, The Gospel Coalition

The Revenge of the Coddled: An Interview with Jonathan Haidt | Dominic Bouck, First Things
Haidt talks about the culture of hyper-political correctness, especially on college campuses.

3 Tips For A More Civil Conversation About Syrian Refugees | Mollie Hemingway, The Federalist

Why Abraham Kuyper Became a National Hero | Justin Holcomb, LogosTalk
Learn more about the influential Dutch theologian.

Texas Pastors Celebrate Win In Gender Fight | Bonnie Pritchett, The Aquila Report
“The victory was no small feat for the coalition of evangelical pastors and conservative business leaders and elected officials who—outspent 10 to 1—faced a national campaign to advance LGBT rights in Houston. ”

Kindle Deals

Introvert Power: Why Your Inner Life Is Your Hidden Strength by Laurie Helgoe ($7.87). This is the kind of popular book I like to buy on a Friday to relax with over the weekend. I very rarely read the whole thing but always pick up some fascinating info that helps me understand myself and others.

The Fight of Your Life: Manning Up to the Challenge of Sexual Integrity by Tim Clinton and Mark Laaser ($1.99)

Christians in an Age of Wealth: A Biblical Theology of Stewardship by Craig L. Blomberg ($3.99)

Christian Bioethics: A Guide for Pastors, Health Care Professionals, and Families by C. Ben Mitchell and D. Joy Riley ($2.99). I never fully agree with what I read in books about Christian ethics but they always help me to think better.

Preaching the Old Testament edited by Scott M. Gibson ($1.99)


Patterns of Evidence: Exodus – Full Trailer
More information at