Introduce kids to the Savior of sinners. This is a series of audio podcasts for kids who want to meet with Jesus by using Meeting with Jesus: A Bible Reading Plan for Kids (RHB) Listen to previous episodes here.

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One thing you’ll notice about Meeting with Jesus is that it doesn’t have any reading for Sunday. There are passages to read Monday to Saturday but none for Sunday. Why is that?

Is it because I don’t want you to read your Bible on Sunday?

Of course not.

Partly it’s to give you a day to catch up if you missed a day through the week. And you will. From time to time you’ll forget to read the passage and fill out the question. That’s OK. Just use Sunday to catch up.

But it’s also because Sunday is the day when we go to church to worship God, listen to God’s Word read and preached, go to Sunday school, and meet with our friends. These are all great times to also meet with Jesus.

Jesus has promised to meet with us when we gather together in his name (Matthew 18:20). So, yes, we can meet with Jesus on our own reading the Bible and praying, but we can also meet with Jesus together. Jesus loves to meet with us when we gather to worship him.

So we want that to be the focus of Sunday. Before you go to church, ask Jesus to meet with you and others there. Pray for that when you sing the songs, when your pastor leads you in prayer, when you listen to God’s Word read and preached, and when you go to Sunday school.

If you open Meeting with Jesus, you’ll notice we’ve given a whole page to Sunday. Under the “Listening to Jesus” section you’ll see a place for you to fill out the sermon title, the sermon verse, and even take some sermon notes. And then there’s a final question. What did you learn about Jesus today in church?

You could take your Meeting with Jesus book with you to church and fill it out during the sermon. But it’s easy to lose a book at church, so it might be better to take notes on a piece of paper and then fill it out when you get home.

Why don’t you tell your pastor you’re working through Meeting with Jesus. He will be so encouraged. It always makes me so happy to hear of kids reading the Bible.

So Sunday is a day when you meet with Jesus with others and that makes it a very special day.

Listen to this episode on Living the Bible podcast. You can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes and Spotify.