Want to help your kids read the Bible? Use Exploring the Bible: A Bible Reading Plan for Kids and play these videos at the end of each week’s expedition to encourage your kids and to keep them on track.

Videos are released every Friday in 2018. You can also access the videos at YouTube and on the Exploring the Bible Facebook page.

If you haven’t started your kids on the book yet, you can begin anytime and use it with any Bible version. Here are some sample pages.

You can get it at RHBWestminster BooksCrossway, or Amazon. If you’re in Canada use Reformed Books Services.

Introduction Video

Expedition 1: A Beautiful World

Expedition 2: A Ruined World

Expedition 3: A Flooded World

Expedition 4: A Special Promise of a Special Son

Expedition 5: A Long and Painful Test

Expedition 6: Saved from Slavery

Expedition 7: A New Nation

Expedition 8: Blood and Dust

Expedition 9: Look Backwards, Forwards, Upwards

Expedition 10: Entering the Promised Land

Expedition 11: A Bad King and a Good King

Expedition 12: A Special Promise of a Special King

Expedition 13: Songs of Sadness

Expedition 14: A Captive Nation

Expedition 15: A Rebuilt Nation

Expedition 16: The Devil Attacks

Expedition 17: Songs about the Coming King

Expedition 18: Songs about the Coming Kingdom

Expedition 19: A Fork in the Road

Expedition 20: The Choice

Expedition 21: A Dangerous Detour

Expedition 22: Love Songs

Expedition 23: Looking into the Distance

Expedition 24: The Growing Excitement

Expedition 25: A Strange Place

Expedition 26: A Temple and a River

Expedition 27: A Church on a Mountain

Expedition 28: Enemies

Expedition 29: Heavenly Treasure

Expedition 30: Two Houses

Expedition 31: A Sad Wedding and a Dirty Temple

Expedition 32: A Night Time Visitor

Expedition 33: Water in the Desert

Expedition 34: Wonders of the World

Expedition 35: Lost and Found

Expedition 36: Foolish Sheep and a Good Shepherd

Expedition 37: The Darkest Night

Expedition 38: The Darkest Trial

Expedition 39: The Darkest Death

Expedition 40: The Brightest Morning


  • CFS

    Thank you very much! We’ve used your Bible readings for kids for several years now, so I preordered Exploring the Bible for my youngest 4. My youngest 3 were not quite up to reading and writing on their own so I set it aside to encourage them to begin in 2018. This will be a great encouragement as we move along. Thanks for your work in helping our children develop a love for God’s Word (and parents too!)!

    • David Murray

      Thank you!

  • http://www.crossandquill.com/journey Cheryl L.Stansberry

    Thank you so much. This was just what I was looking for. I look forward to watching the videos with the kiddos and discussing with them the things they have learned. Such a great resource. As we go further into the study, I’ll definitely be writing a review and perhaps host a giveaway to go with it. Thanks again.

    • David Murray

      Thanks Cheryl.

  • Can

    Hi! We’ve been using this amazing book.

    Thank you for making it easy and less stressful for parents and teachers, and that’s why sticking with it is achievable.

    Thank you for adding the videos to accompany the book!

    I just stumbled on these videos and noticed that the last one is for Expedition 40: The Brightest Morning.

    Will you continue making these until you reach the last expedition?

    I hope so!

    God bless,


    • https://www.facebook.com/app_scoped_user_id/YXNpZADpBWEVkS0UtWGFaLTNSSThxRk90bWlaSWZA1Qm9wak5OMEQ1TlZAQdm1GNzBUdVRUWElRdlV6clN1VXd2YjhXS3Bmd1BadlVzTjlCOVJUOHJXLTFPRjRIbm9ZAOHI1Q2FQTlpGVzNG/ David Murray

      Thanks so much Camila. As soon as the lockdown is over in Michigan I’ll be finishing the videos and then start producing for the next book in the series: Meeting with Jesus. https://amzn.to/2JhttCE

  • Nick

    I have loved with my son, and am starting Meeting with Jesus with my daughter. Do you know when the companion videos will be posted? Thank you and God Bless you Pastor.

    • https://www.facebook.com/app_scoped_user_id/YXNpZADpBWEVkS0UtWGFaLTNSSThxRk90bWlaSWZA1Qm9wak5OMEQ1TlZAQdm1GNzBUdVRUWElRdlV6clN1VXd2YjhXS3Bmd1BadlVzTjlCOVJUOHJXLTFPRjRIbm9ZAOHI1Q2FQTlpGVzNG/ David Murray

      There’s a daily podcast that goes with it. See here. https://livingthebible.buzzsprout.com/