Looks like we might need a new -ism. How about blonde-ism or hair-ism. As reported in The Telegraph, a study of 13,000 Caucasian women by David W. Johnston of Queensland University of Technology in Australia concluded that blondes earn 7% more than brunettes, an effect as large as the wage boost from an additional year of education. (Maybe we didn’t need a scientist to tell us that.) Further, the men blondes marry earn an average of 6% more than husbands of women with other hair colors. Previous studies have shown that employers wrongly consider attractive workers to be more productive.
This follows on from last year’s research on “heightism” that showed how tall people get larger salaries, higher status, and more respect. (Being 6’3″ I must admit I quite enjoyed reading that.) Each extra inch produces an extra $789 in salary, seemingly. The researcher, Timothy Judge at the University of Florida, resorted to evolution for an explanation:Perhaps society is not consciously aware of the importance we place on height. If the status accorded to tall people has evolutionary origins—when height signaled strength and power—these same psychological processes may exist today; just in our subconscious.
Of course, the Christian knows that all our prejudice, bias, and favoritism have their roots in our own sinful human hearts. Our times and our hearts are no different to those of the prophet Samuel’s day:
But the LORD said to Samuel, Look not on his countenance (face), or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD sees not as man sees; for man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart (1 Samuel 16:7).
What a challenge to all our pre-judgments, and what an encouragement to the pre-judged.