I spent most of the day working on Lecture 1 in my upcoming course on Poets and Prophets at PRTS.
Here’s an outline of the general principles behind my approach to Old Testament exegesis. 1. Pray: for enlightenment/illumination 2. Meditate: Meditation is thinking and thinking and thinking about the words of the text without outside help. Roots of the word means “to mutter out loud.” 3. Simplify: Start with the clear and the obvious and move towards the less clear 4. Widen: Start with the text and move towards wider context that may have influence on text 5. Concentrate: shut off all distractions (email, phone, etc). 6. Slow: Stop skimming and start diving 7. Link: Do not isolate words and phrases from each other but focus on transitions and relations 8. Spiral: exegetical steps are not to be followed A-B-C…Z, etc, but A-B-C-A-B-C-D-E-F-A, etc. We keep revising earlier conclusions in the light of later research. We spiral downwards rather than skim forwards. 9. Horizon: Keep in view that the overall purpose of the Bible is to make a person wise unto salvation through faith in Jesus Christ (2 Tim. 3:15). Although God addresses people in their own original situation, His words are always anticipating the climactic revelation of Jesus Christ (John 5:39; Lk. 24:27). 10. Believe and obey: God promises more light and understanding to those who believe and obey His Word (James 1:22-25; 2 Pet 1:5-8; 1 Pet. 3:7). Tomorrow I’ll post the outline of my step-by-step guide to Old Testament exegesis.————————
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