Here’s the latest video from the Harvard Business School symposium. The question being asked is “What is the biggest mistake a leader can make?” Here’s a summary:
Put their self-interest in front of their institution or organizationBill George, Harvard Business School Betraying trust
Evan Wittenberg, Head of Global Leadership Development Google Inc Being certain. Why bother when you know!
Ellen Langer, Professor, Harvard University Not to live up to their own values.
Andrew Pettigrew, Professor, Sïad Business School, University of Oxford To be so overly enamoured with their vision that they lose all capacity for self-doubt.
Gianpiero Petriglieri, Affiliate Professor of Organizational Behavior, INSEAD Personal arrogance and hubris
Carl Sloane, Professor Emeritus, Harvard Business School Acting too fast.
Jonathan Doochin, Leadership Institute at Harvard College It’s all about the leader and also not being authentic, consistent and predictable.
Scott Snook, Associate Professor, Harvard Business School and retired Colonel, US Army Corps of Engineers Not being self-reflective.
Daisy Wademan Dowling, Executive Director, Leadership Development at Morgan Stanley The common thread running through these responses is the danger of pride or over-confidence. I’m going to look at this more closely tomorrow, especially in connection with pastoral ministry.