I’ve been preparing a couple of addresses for the Keech Conference (formerly the Evangelical Forum) this weekend. The theme this year is “Of Creation” (Chapter 4, Second London Baptist Confession of Faith 1689). My first address is on “Christ in Genesis 1-2″ and the second is “The Quest for the Historical Adam.” I’m also really looking forward to hearing Tom Ascol speak.
Although I was initially apprehensive about preparing the addresses, I’ve found it a real blessing to my own soul to be in these first two chapters of the Bible for a prolonged period of time. What’s struck me most about them is the sheer perfection of Genesis 1-2. “God saw that it was very good.” The creation, and especially Adam and Eve, must have been so utterly beautiful, with everything fitting together so precisely, and without the least hint of weakness or decay. In contrast, I’ve been in a scrapyard recently, filming for a forthcoming DVD. It’s been quite depressing. You look around at all the thousands of crushed and decaying cars, some piled ten high, others scattered over large fields. They were all once driven out of the showroom bright and beautiful, someone’s pride and joy. And now… But such are are our lives as well. We come into the world to exclamations of “beautiful” and kindle bright hopes in our parents. But before too long we start breaking down – and breaking others down too. “Age and decay in all around I see.” My spirits were lifted yesterday though when my son pointed me to this video (below). What precise perfection! It reminded me of how integrated the original creation must have been, and how everything must have run so smoothly. And it also made me hope and long for the day when God will take our scrappy lives and world and make all things new. And everything will “just work.”-
Pete Scribner
David Murray