Here's the seventh in our preview series of ten films on the Old Testament appearances of Christ in the Old Testament.

The first two videos will be permanently available online. (Episode 1, Episode 2). The remaining episodes will be released once a week for the next seven  weeks. Each of them will be available for online viewing for seven days.

DVD, HD download, and Study Guide available now from HeadHeartHand Media. DVD and Study Guide available from Ligonier, and RHB.

  • Kara

    This is the first one I’ve watched. It is a blessing to begin to understand the presence of Christ in the OT and makes me realize I’m just scratching at the surface of this goldmine of the OT. Looking forward to checking out the rest of the series. Praying you are getting stronger each day.

  • David Murray

    Thanks for your encouraging words, Kara. Mending slowly.

  • Howard

    Splendid. Excellent presentation, and brilliant sharing of the truth in a fashion which both speaks and enriches. Thank you.

  • David Murray

    Thanks again, Howard.