Have a look at this entertaining infographic and see if you can identify your meeting manners:
1. Bill the Deflector: keeps out of the conversation by deflecting all questions to other workers
2. Linda the Jargonmeister: Uses colorful buzzwords and “business speak” to navigate the questions to which she doesn’t have any real answers
3. Paula the Artful Dodger: Escapes answering as many inquiries and requests as possible
4. Martin the Boomerang: Throws everyone off guard by answering questions with questions
5. Conrad the Oldtimer: Knows the ins and outs of the game and only speaks up when a voice of reason is needed so that he can get out of the room as fast as possible
6. Agnes the Realist: With the possibility of promotion dangling in front of her like a carrot, she is determined to get everything done, no matter how long it takes – much to the chagrin of everyone else present.
7. Jerry the Big-Leaguer: Schedules meetings when he knows he can’t attend. It’s a powerplay of sorts that he thinks makes himself seem important.
8. Susan the Pacifist: Does everything in her power to keep everyone as happy as possible; conflict only makes the meeting drag on.
While on the subject, have a look at “The Modern Meetings Revolution.”