Here’s this week’s morning and evening reading plan in Word and pdf.

Here’s this week’s single reading plan for morning or evening in Word and pdf.

And for those who want to start at the beginning, here’s six months of the morning and evening in pdf, and here’s six months of the single reading plan in pdf.

Here’s a brief explanation of the plan.

  • Kathleen Lawler

    Thanks David for this wonderful resource! I am building a yearly bible and activity plan for my 3 year old son and my husband and I. we currently have read through my 3year olds Big Picture Story bible quite a few times with him and he has an amazing grasp of God and some of the big ideas of Christianity.

    This will be a great base for me to create something more at his age level! can’t wait for it the next 6 months worth of bible readings!:)

    Thanks you

  • David Murray

    Maybe this is a bit too far ahead of a 3 year old. But if it works, I’m delighted.