The Marrow of Modern Divinity
“I’ve come to believe that one of the most significant theological controversies the modern church must acquaint itself with is the controversy surrounding the Marrow of Modern Divinity.” So says Nick Batzig and I agree. Nick points us in the right direction for lectures and books on the subject.
Ligonier 2011 Ministry Update
Check out the always encouraging annual report from one of my favorite Christian organizations.
How to have a church prayer meeting
Kevin DeYoung’s church started a once-a-month, Sunday evening prayer meeting last year. In this blog, he shares what he’s learned.
Hospitality 101
Rebecca Vandoodewaard gave a much-appreciated address on hospitality at the PRTS Ministry Wives Institute this week, and now she’s sharing some of that also on her blog (Part 1, Part 2).
Just so you know what I’m worth
Adrian Reynolds gives ten ways how not to evaluate your pastor.
Preaching Christ from the Old Testament
Gary Millar gives us 8 pathways from the OT to Christ.
Fewer Teens Having Sex these Days
Well we’re usually quick to bemoan social decline, so let’s be thankful when there’s a little positive news.
1 in 5 Americans take Mental Health Drugs
But Time Magazine and the World Health Organisation isn’t sure if this is good or bad. I’ll post my own response to this next week.
Savvy for iPhone
With Black Friday and Cyber Monday just round the corner, this App gets you the best price after you bought something!
How Amazon became the World’s Largest retailer [Infographic]
5 ways higher education is leveraging Mobile Tech.
“Technology in education usually means places of higher learning play a bit of catch-up, but those who start embracing mobile now with development and budget resources will be ahead of the curve for years to come. Check out what Purdue University’s done with mobile learning with their remarkable Studio Project. In particular, the project’s Hotseat app takes status updates and creates a “collaborative classroom” by allowing students to provide near real-time feedback during class. The idea is that professors can then adjust the course content and improve the overall learning experience.”
Jetpack for sale…for $100,000
This is still a bit out of my reach, but who hasn’t dreamed it? I don’t think this is an April fool.