Old Testament
Jesus redeems Psalm 89
Prof Steve Taylor argues that “Christotelicity” helps us understand Psalm 89. I can’t say I fully agree with Prof Taylor’s conclusion, but this is a great example of how to weigh exegetical options. For the record, although I believe that Jesus is the ultimate answer to this Psalm, I think the Psalmist does provide the answer of faith in verse 52, despite everything that providence seems to be telling him.
How do we find Jesus in the Old Testament?
Education’s Economics of Scarcity
Counter-cultural article arguing that the more you create of something (graduates) the less valuable they become. Did you know that China has started canceling any degree programs in which 60% of graduates fail to find a job within two years? Meanwhile, Elaine Chao argues that Education is still the best recession protection.
A conversation about books and reading
Stimulating book-talk between Tony Reinke and Dr Karen Swallow Prior, a Professor of English.
Christian Living Dying
My friend Nellie
Every congregation has a Nellie or two. They are a pastor’s delight. Jared Wilson pens a beautiful tribute to his own Nellie who went to be with the Lord last Friday, aged 95.
Are kids with Down Syndrome on the road to extinction?
90% end their pregnancy when given a Down Syndrome diagnosis.
Why your identity is worth $5000
This infographic tells us that an estimated 9 million Americans’ identities are stolen each year, costing each victim an average of $4,841. It takes 33 hours on average to solve an identity theft case, even though 43% of theft victims know the criminals who steal their information!
Laptop Pickpocket Prank
Here’s a good example of how to get free advertising via a great viral video.