Meeting with someone who harmed you
Phil Monroe proposes a number of questions to ask before meeting with someone who has harmed us.

Out of the darkness
I often advise people who want to know what depression is like to read Broken Minds. I’m now going to add this gut-wrenching yet heart-warming New York Times article. (HT: Challies)

Cyber Monday all week long
Cyber Monday continues over at Bob Kellemen’s blog where you can get some good deals on his great books.

How to stay focused (without extra caffeine)
With semesters coming to their peak (trough?) Scott Young has some great advice for poor students everywhere.

How Decker made me different
Some good tips for preachers in this fascinating insight into Nancy Duarte’s day of public speaking training at Decker. Would you try preaching with post-it notes?

Quote unquote
Adrian Reynolds argues that as a rule pastors should not use quotes in their sermons. Although overstating his case a bit, he makes some good points.

Tearjerker alert
Former Lab Beagles see the sun for the first time
I must confess that I’ve never given this issue much thought, but this is certainly a thought-provoking video. Time reports that it “shows male beagles that were rescued from a lab in Spain seeing sunlight and stepping on grass for the first time.”

  • Tom Trouwborst

    15 years ago I read Decker’s “You Have to Be Believed to Be Heard” and it changed me as a communicator. He also has a which specifically addresses preaching (he writes as a believer). Tom Trouwborst

  • David Murray

    I’ll look out that preaching book. Seems to be co-written with Hershael York.