Your podcast is not your pastor
Trevin Wax warns against being pastored by podcasts
Facebook reaches out to those considering suicide
Well it’s been blamed for some, so this is an appropriate step.
How we do biblical counseling training in our congregation
Deepak Reju describes how he trains Capitol Hill Baptist Church in biblical counseling.
10 Warning Signs of Alzheimers
Paul Tautges is doing some good work on the complex interaction of body, mind, and soul in many counseling problems. Here he deals with Alzheimers.
The anxious generation
“Compared with today’s retirees, Americans who are over 50 but have not yet retired are substantially more stressed about their current financial circumstances; more skeptical of relying on the stock market to provide their income after they stop working; more concerned that the Great Recession and its aftermath will lastingly diminish their prospects; and much more worried that they will not enjoy as secure a retirement as their parents did. On average, near-retirees expect they will need to keep working as many as six years longer than today’s retirees did when they received the gold watch.”
Western governments are dire, but we mustn’t despise government
Despite this being written from a left-of-centre perspective, Jeffrey Sachs offers some insightful analysis and makes some good Romans 13 points without realizing it!