David Wells is a “Prophet”
It appears that Dr David Wells predicted a Zambesi river bungee disaster! The video is also amazing.

Christianity Today Comes out Against Spanking
In a case of “today” taking precedence over “Christianity,” Denny Burk reflects on the magazine’s argument against taking the Bible literally.

How to be a miserable comforter
Pau Tautges analyzes Job’s counselors for lessons in how not to counsel and concludes:”If you want to be a sorry comforter, nurture a hyper-active connection between personal sin and every form of suffering and be sure to remind your spiritual friends that they are the ultimate cause of their suffering.”

How not to apologize
This is super-helpful and could save a lot of marriages (and churches)

Pastor Rob Ventura has started a new blog to preview and review books being published by Reformation Heritage Books. You can get sample chapters, author interviews, great discounts, and giveaways. And while we’re at it, here’s an interview with Jeremy Walker, author of the forthcoming Broken-Hearted Evangelist

Parenting by God’s Promises
I’m not just plugging this because he’s my boss! Nor am I plugging it because HeadHeartHandMedia produced the video! I just think this is a great book.

Parenting By God’s Promises – Joel Beeke from Ligonier on Vimeo.

  • Ryder

    I jumped off that bridge a few years ago. Hope she got her $100 back!

  • http://headhearthand.org/blog/ David Murray

    Wow, Ryder. Bit eerie that for you!

  • http://SolaGratiaBlog.com Pete Scribner

    Nice job on the video! I posted it earlier and didn’t realize you guys had done it.