I’ve steered deliberately off course too…

I’ve tried to impress old friends too…

I’ve sailed too close to the rocks too…

I’ve turned too late too…

I’ve let others suffer the consequences of my sins too…

I’ve fled from the scene too…

I’ve blamed others too…

I’ve feared to face up to my actions too…

I’ve changed my story too…

I’ve refused to take responsibility too…

I’ve lied to cover my tracks too…

Al Mohler rightly called Captain Schettino  ”The Chicken of the Seas

But am I the chicken of Grand Rapids?

Are you the chicken of…?

Don’t despair. There’s full and free and forever salvation in Christ for chickens everywhere.

  • http://www.rpmministries.org Bob Kellemen

    Wow. Powerful, personal, and convicting. And timely. It is so very easy for us to criticize others but to ignore our own very similar sins. Thank you for the convicting reminder.

  • http://twitter.com/realdonsimpson Don

    Thank You. I am double checking for the presence of a huge cedar plank in my eye.

  • http://asmallwork.posterous.com Ryan

    Ooh, very good. And that salvation is possible because of the unfathomably *courageous* savior, Jesus! He knew the horrors of the cross and walked there willingly. Amazing.

  • Bernard

    I am most definitely the chicken of London.

  • Pingback: Seeing My own Face in the Costa Concordia Mirror | markchanski

  • http://markchanski.com Mark Chanski

    Yes, David, of Holland. Thank you. Hallelujah, what a Savior!

  • thyan

    I am really a chicken of Vancouver,
    Thank God for this reminder.

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