Leader or Influencer?
Barnabas Piper pleads for less leading and more influencing
4 Myths People Want to Believe about Social Media
I used to believe them all until Michael Dewalt changed my life! (HT: Nathan Bingham)
Christians get depressed too
My friend Paul Tautges has been interacting with my book and rounds up with some gentle iron-sharpening.
Listening to Prozac…and to the Scriptures
This piece by Dr Mike Emlet is possibly the best article I’ve ever read from CCEF.
How to pull out of the burnout spiral
“Pastor, you are prone to burnout for good reason: the demands of ministry are endless and urgent and you lack the natural ability to self-regulate. Right now you need to stop and seek those in authority over you and a few trusted friends to tell you how they see your life out of balance. For me, that means asking questions about everything from physical exercise to sleep to prayer and relationships with my wife and children. Restoring a good work/life balance will help stem the tide of burnout, but if we’re being truthful, it will only get you to zero.”
How to read the Bible through the Jesus Lens and The Broken Hearted Evangelist are two new books I’d highly recommend.