What all of our ministries really need
“We’ve got a lot of ministries going on in my church. Preaching, worship team, children’s ministry, small group ministry, men’s ministry, women’s ministry, sound ministry, projection ministry, and, perhaps most importantly, the coffee ministry…”
20,000 Tweets
What’s the point of tweeting 20,000 times? Timmy Brister gives us five of them.
Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament
Christianity Today interviews Nancy Guthrie on her latest Old Testament Bible Study book.
Ligon Duncan on Lloyd-Jones
If this challenging and edifying summary doesn’t make you buy Preaching & Preachers, you probably shouldn’t be preaching.
The Window Seat
I’m with Greg here. I still ask for the window seat. I still look out the window. And I still get a worshipful thrill every time we take off. But as Greg goes on to say: “As amazing as sitting in a chair 35,000 feet in the sky with a peripheral view of the planet seems to be, there is something else that stuns me as I gaze out the window: God has used the story of a severely disabled, non-verbal, autistic boy to reach so many different people with the good news of His hope, that I have to fly on an airplane to go see all of them.”