Pastors: Don’t just quote, be quotable
“I think it’s more effective for you to meditate on the passage a bit longer and say something that is yours rather than quoting all these guys. Be gripped by the text; I’d rather hear you then them.”
Visual Theology: The Trinity
Difficult to picture what the Trinity is. But Tim does a good job of picturing what it is not.
Be a real husband and Dad
“As much as deadlines and workload would tempt us to believe otherwise, parenting doesn’t wait until we’ve finished those remaining M. Div. credits. Neither does marriage — perhaps especially marriage. There are no footnotes to Ephesians 5 that qualify Paul’s instructions as pending until graduation.”
93rd Foot Regiment
“ Not only were these Presbyterians zealous about their personal faiths; they also encouraged fellow soldiers to respect authority, to live uprightly, and to fight knowing that God would direct the battle. Men of the 93rd fought for God, their families and the Empire. In a phrase, they displayed a Protestant war ethic.”