Christians the most “hated”
A new report says that 85 percent of hate crimes committed in Europe during 2011were aimed at Christians.
Study then sleep for best results
Almost 30 years too late to salvage my school years: “A good night’s sleep shortly following your studies has a significant impact on your ability to retain information.”
Rebooting the academy
Bruce Ashford with bios of five educational innovators.
Essential Theology
A new series from Tim Challies. Good reason to get your older kids to start reading Tim’s blog.
What Jason Russell’s breakdown shows us about ourselves
“The church’s response to mental illness is typically silence—a silence that is tantamount to complicity in the world’s rejection of the most vulnerable among us, that speaks volumes about the weakness of our faith in the face of suffering. When the church is not silent, it often condemns, suggesting people need exorcism or simply more faith, and denying people’s need for legitimate medical intervention to ease their suffering and help them function as the people God made them to be.”