Why do we seem negative about psychiatric medications?
Good question from CCEF. Mostly good answer. And here’s the “gold standard” answer from Mike Emlet – required reading for anyone involved in counseling and pastoring.
90% of Christians driven out of Homs
The untold side of the story. Jives with what I’ve heard via another Syrian. (HT: Joel Miller)
A beginner’s guide to preaching
Everyone’s got to begin somewhere. (HT: Nathan Bingham)
3 things photographers can teach you about using illustrations in preaching
Liked this a lot, and totally agree. Maybe photographers can also teach us how to craft briefer blog titles
Best resources on Reformed Theology
Crowd-sourced by Ligonier.
Parenting tips from the Puritans
“The fact that the Puritans saw the family as good for all of society and was a gift from God lies at the heart of their views on family. While they are reputed to be harsh and dictatorial, when we read what they actually said (as opposed to their critics) we can get very solid advice.”
And here’s a moving post on the same subject as Don Carson reflects on the integrity of his Dad.