Many years ago, Jim Collins, author of bestselling business book, From Good to Great, decided that his “big goal” in life was to spend half of his working time on creative work — thinking, researching, and writing — a third of his time on teaching, and then cram everything else into the last 20%.

Using a stopwatch, he tracks his current time allocation on an office whiteboard. How’s he doing? Here’s the latest figures I can find:

  • Creative 53%
  • Teaching 28%
  • Other 19%

Lessons for Pastors?

  • Barry Pearman


    I am just reading again Eugene Petersons The Contemplative Pastor where he talks about having only three things to do as a pastor – to Pray, Preach and to Listen.

    That’s a pretty simple job description isn’t it! but it does sort of fit in with Collins ideas.


    • David Murray

      Yes, I’ll have to read that too.

  • Thomas

    I’ll have to read that book. Thanks