What took me by surprise – Widowhood
Young guys in the ministry should read blogs and books like this to build understanding and sympathy with a significant minority in most congregations.

What do you think of eHarmony?
Glad I never had to think of it, but if you do, Tim Challies offers a helping hand.

The Personality of the Preacher
Peter Mead with two fascinating and insightful posts on the impact of personality on preaching style (Part 1, Part 2). As well as raising self-awareness in preachers, and challenging us to move out of our comfort zone, understanding this could help people be better hearers too.

Should every student pursue a 4 year College education?
Alex Chediak continues to provide helpful links for parents and students pondering their future.

John Cleese on Creativity
4 lessons from comedy genius and creative guru, John Cleese.

Reforming Families Conference
Doing anything Aug 13-16, 2013?