Imagine a football coach who only works with the quarterback. Every day he devises training plans, tactical strategies, and plays for him, while hardly saying “Hello” to anyone else at the club. And – surprise, surprise – the team is losing games. The other players are growing fat and lazy. When they get on the pitch, they don’t know what to do or where to go, and even if they wanted to, they couldn’t because of their lack of fitness.

That’s how I see the state of play in the Creation v Evolution debate. We’re training a few creationist quarterbacks, and scoring the odd touchdown, but we’re at risk of losing the game (the doctrine of Creation) because we’re ignoring, neglecting, and forgetting the wider picture, the rest of the team.

Diversion by concentration
Although the Devil has so far failed to win the Creation v Evolution debate (largely due to the skill and courage of our creationist quarterbacks), by concentrating the church’s attention almost exclusively upon this issue, he’s often successfully diverted our attention away from the size, scope, and significance of the Bible’s teaching on what creation is, who is our Creator, and what does it mean to live as His creatures in His creation.

I’m all for training the quarterback debaters and apologists, and for supporting the ministries that do this vital frontline work. But I want us to build a much fuller, wider, and deeper understanding of creation, and to work out its massive implications for the Church, for society, and for our personal lives.

A creationist creates
I want to train the whole team and bring more players into the game. I want our apologists and debaters to continue their valiant fight, but I want ordinary Christians to move from being mere spectators of the debaters to being active participants in other creation-related areas.

To put it simply, I don’t want just a few Christians fighting for the doctrine of creation, I want all Christians to be creative. Or to put it another way, while some are called to defend our Creator, we are all called to image our Creator, to create like our Creator.

Being a “creationist” is a much larger calling than defeating evolutionists. A real creationist creates.

Previous Posts in Created to Create series
Competitive Creativity
“But I’m just a Mom!”
Creatorless Creativity

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  • Steven Birn

    I like the point of this piece but it’s clear you need some American football lessons. :) Feel free to stop over any Saturday when MSU is on the road, we’re sure to have the game on and we’re more than happy to teach our Scotish friends.

    • David Murray

      Yes, I probably shouldn’t blunder around in American football illustrations.

  • Steve in Alaska

    Dr. Murray,
    Thanks for your continued interesting, encouraging, and edifying blog posts.

    In seeking to be careful as God’s servants with our language and speaking the truth in love:
    Would it be better to say that we as Christians “Cultivate” rather than “Create”, as God has created “all things”, but then we take what he has given/made and then “cultivate” it? God made the Garden he put Adam & Eve in, but then they were to “cultivate” and have “dominion.”

    I remember Pastor Needham (he is a stickler on correct use of words) teaching a fellow believer that only God creates anything, man doesn’t. I see his point, but I wonder how far I should go with that. Should I encourage other christians to see that distinction?

    Out of curiosity have you read John Flavel’s “Husbandry Spiritualized” and if so what did you think?I have only read snidbits of it.

    In the love of Christ,

    • David Murray

      Glad you’re enjoying the posts, Steve. Appreciate your point. I’m going to post on this distinction, probably on Friday (maybe next Monday). In summary, while it is true that God’s creation is unique, most theologians do also speak of creatures creating (and cultivating), though in a different and lesser way. I’ll try to explain/defend this in more detail.