Registration Pricing:
- Full registration is $90 per person
- College or seminary student registration (and spouse) is $25 per person
- One day registration is $30 per person
- Receive last year’s conference book for $15 with registration to this year’s event
Register online here.
Conference Speakers:
- Joel Beeke
- Gerald Bilkes
- Bart Elshout
- Ryan McGraw
- David Murray
- Burk Parsons
- Paul Smalley
- Derek Thomas
- William VanDoodewaard
Some of our exhibitors at this year’s conference will be:
- Reformation Heritage Books
- Credo Books
- Reforming Families
- Alliance of Confessing Evan.
- Robert Morrison Project
- Ligonier Ministries
- Logos Bible Software
- Trinitarian Bible Society
Don’t miss out on what is sure to be a wonderful conference on a glorious topic, The Beauty and Glory of the Father.
For more information click here.