Don’t Confuse Technology with College Teaching
Thanks to Alex Chediak for providing the link to this article. Here’s a sample: “A set of podcasts is the 21st-century equivalent of a textbook, not the 21st-century equivalent of a teacher. Every age has its autodidacts, gifted people able to teach themselves with only their books. Woe unto us if we require all citizens to manifest that ability.”
How should a pastor respond to compliments?
Nice problem to have!
New film on public speaking. As with all public speaking, looks like it will be a a thriller/comedy/horror/documentary all rolled into one.
When we say Gospel, do we really mean the Spirit?
You’ve probably seen this as lots of people linked to this yesterday. However, in the off chance that you missed it, this really is worth a read.
Modest: Men and women clothed in the Gospel
New book from Tim Challies and Bob Glen.
A Lord’s Day Perspective on Things
How would you like to preach after your son just called off his wedding three days before it was due? Iain Campbell shares a little of his story.