“Sisters, look for a man who knows the gospel, and will physically lay his life down for you like Jesus did for his bride.”
@kb_hga— Reformed AA Network (@ReformedAFAM) August 30, 2012
The church prays for His kingdom to come and creation quivers in anticipation.
— Chris Larson (@ChrisLarson) August 30, 2012
Last 15 years: 200% increase in church facility spending…2% decrease in attendance.
— Mike Breen (@Mike_Breen) August 31, 2012
@darrinpatrick: Dating without intent to marry is going to the store with no money. U either leave unhappy or take what isn’t yours.”— tom ascol (@tomascol) August 31, 2012
“God’s promises are like the stars; the darker the night the brighter they shine.” (David Nicholas)
— challies (@challies) August 31, 2012
Owen: “There is a secret joy and refreshment in godly sorrow, equal unto the chiefest of our joys, and a great spiritual satisfaction.”
— Tony Reinke (@TonyReinke) August 31, 2012
Good works are seldom offensive in the modern world; it is a belief in truth that is troublesome (David Wells).
— Tabletalk Magazine (@Tabletalk) August 31, 2012