Read the text, the whole text, and nothing but the text
Really helpful handout from Paul Martin’s Preacher’s School, “a series we run in our local church (you can read about it here). It is aimed at men who have a desire to preach God’s Word, but have no formal theological training.”
Why Jonah Lehrer’s Imagine is worth reading despite the problems
Yes, Jonah Lehrer made some really bad mistakes. But I agree with Roy Clark, accept his apology, make the corrections, and enjoy the superb work he has done in making science accessible and enjoyable.
Hodge’s Six Methods of Santification
And Joe Thorn does a Lehrer on Hodge’s theology – simplifying and summarizing sanctification.
Gaining the Whole World Wide Web Without Losing our Souls
Amy Simpson: “Part of using the Internet well has to be learning how to not use it. Also critical is using it to truly connect and to do good work rather than simply plug into the nonstop flow of information—most of which we don’t need and won’t retain.”
The Tangled Web of Conflicting Rights
George Will: “In the name of tolerance, government declares intolerable individuals such as the Huguenins, who disapprove of a certain behavior but ask only to be let alone in their quiet disapproval. Perhaps advocates of gay rights should begin to restrain the bullies in their ranks.”
The Pulpit in the Clown
Paul Levy: “If we’re honest, too many of us have very few non Christian friends and so we allow our churchiness and oddness to grow.”