Unhealthy Notions
“Why is it so hard to admit that gay health and life expectancy are far below average?”

In Memory of Mark
Hope-filled and grace-abounding memorial from Barry York.

Giving Historical Biographies to the Church
This would be a great Sunday afternoon curriculum for teenage kids. And on the subject of teenagers, you might want to chat with them about these stats on texting and driving.

7 Questions about Your Church’s Abuse Policy
You should ask them yourself before someone in a uniform starts asking you.

Beyond the Brain
“In the 1990s, scientists declared that schizophrenia and other psychiatric illnesses were pure brain disorders that would eventually yield to drugs. Now they are recognizing that social factors are among the causes, and must be part of the cure.” (HT: Everyday Theology)

Two Black Churches: One true, one not
Can’t help but sympathize with African Americans’ electoral dilemma. As Thabiti puts it: “Voting for Obama may cost millions of lives, many of them Black, in the genocide of abortion as well as advance sexual immorality in a cultural context where a biblical definition of marriage remains under constant assault.  Voting for Romney not only feels like a betrayal to many African Americans but also guarantees four years of political marginalization and indifference towards the needs of African-American communities.  Rock and hard place.”