3 Ways to Nourish & Cherish your Wife
Lots of women will be wishing they married C J Mahaney after this.
10 Questions for Expositors
Brian Croft invites us into his study.
“Your blog isn’t Christian”
Loved this post from Trevin Wax. “Chesterton was right. There are no uninteresting subjects, only uninterested people. That’s why, whenever I find something of interest on the web, my first thought is not – Is this Christian? - but Is this interesting? Is it “worth a look?” Is there humor in it? Pathos? Insight into the way the world works? The way people think? If so, I’ll link to it or write a post about it.”
22 Biblical Counseling Skills
Excellent summary from Bob Kellemen. I use Bob’s books extensively in the classroom and I’d highly recommend them.
More Punctuation Marks Needed
Great idea. How do we go about arranging it? Petition the Government? Go to war with the English?
North Korea’s Secret Spectaculars
Knowing something of the suffering in North Korea, this is enough to make me weep. One of my most fervent prayers is that I might live to see the day when North Korea’s people are freed.