Tired at work? Sleep on it – in this space age pod
OK, it’s official. We’ve gone mad.
A church without the disabled is a disabled church
Paul Tautges: “According to Scripture, it is essential to the church’s health and faithfulness to the gospel that we intentionally reach out to the physically and mentally disabled with God’s saving truth and, for those who repent and believe in Christ, to include them in the functional life of the church.”
Statism: The Biggest Concern for the Future of the Church in America
So says R.C. Sproul.
The day my Dad chopped down an idol
Wonderful story.
What we need now and evermore
I am so totally with Jared Wilson on this: “Our churches don’t need our political laments. They need our deep, abiding, all-conquering, sin-despairing gospel joy. This and this alone is the hope of the world.”
The last letter of a godly grandfather